The new Thor Modern Museum is great and in my opnion much better than the new Sideshow Thor PF, The pose, sculpture, painting are all great in the prototype..

The new Thor Modern Museum is great and in my opnion much better than the new Sideshow Thor PF, The pose, sculpture, painting are all great in the prototype..
Thor Spinning Hammer statue by Bowen PAINTED! It's SICK! You MUST see how this came out!!!
PS: On a serious note, if any of you are in the Philadelphia, New Jersey, or New York areas, my friend's 18 year old cousin, Sarah is missing. It's all over Philadelphia news. I posted many pics of her & have police contact info here...
We'd appreciate you re-posting the link to your Facebooks & any other sites you go to today. The more folks who see her pics, the more chance my friend's family has of finding her.
Larger pic:
A Modern Thor variant would be sick!
Why doesn't this Thor have the silver armor on his arms like some others?
I think you're probably right, although I'd rather it be a little too small than a little to big.I think the head may be a perspective thing ie, camera angle. I would rather the head be slightly too big than too small, I love the piece.
This is a Classic Action Thor statue (Classic Costume). The Silver Armor on the arms is a part of his his Modern costume.
I personally prefer the classic look.
Is there a release date for this yet or is it still just in the pipeline?