Breaking Bad

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Did they cut some footage from the first episode with the flash forward!? I've seen a lot of pics of Walt in a diner that was supposed to be from that episode but I never saw that footage while watching it. Any word on that?
Do you mean pics that were taken from 5A's flash forward (I believe Live Free or Die) but were cut or do you mean you were expecting diner footage in the second flash forward (Blood Money)? If the former, not sure, haven't seen any pics yet that I thought were missing from the 5A 1st episode footage.
That is Walt's excuse, not his reason. If his true reason for all of this is to provide for Skyler/Walt Jr/Holly, then he never would have offered up all of the money to save Hank, thus leaving nothing for his core family.

Walt even said it himself when Jesse asked him if they were in the meth or money business: I'm in the empire business. That one comment by Walt himself proves he is purely driven by ego, not a desire to provide for his family. Providing for his family comes second.

I tend to think that its both.
Pretty powerful episode OZYMANDIAS is.
I hope it ends up "well" :)
I also don't think that he will leave jesse being a meth cooking slave.
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It's not a simple as his ego or his family. Breaking Bad is all about complex layers and shades of Gray.

Walt's Center IS his Family. That's his prime motivator. It's his reason for getting up in the morning, and his reason for working through all the hell he puts himself into.

HOWEVER, Walt is Driven by his Ego, which is in turn fuled by his self-loathing for what he has let his life become. He accepts this becuase he does love his family and they motivate him, but he is not happy.

The Money IS for his family, But it also represents Walt's accomplishment. HE did that. HE made it happen. it's HIS empire, and it's FINALY something he can be proud of. It's his source of joy. Even if it is a little dark.

Additionaly, His ego pushes him to not only be good at what he does, but to be THE BEST HE POSSIBLY can.

The BEST cook
The BEST Meth
The BEST Father
etc. All these things work in concert.

HIs Core, defining emotion is his love for his family, and it Trumps EVERYTHING. it's all consuming for him. This is why despite EVERYTHING he offered to throw it ALL away to save Hank. EVen though Hank Despises him, He Still wanted to save him.

Then there is the Greed. Walt's Greed is only trumped by his Love of his Family, and his desire for Legacy. HOWEVER, his Greed is Fuled By his Ego, which in turn fuels his love of what he does, and his desire to be the best, which he uses the money as a gauge for how well he is doing.

Walt is also Aragant. He assumes that he allways knows best ( though, to his credit, he usualy does) and assumes everyone will just follow his lead without question.

People are pannicky, and paranoid, so this is not the case.

Yes, Walt said ALOT of hurtful things toi Skyler on the phone. But, it's important to note the WHY. He did it to drive her AWAY from him , and the life he was leading. He KNEW he was being recorded, so he was careful to take all the credit ( as his ego demanded) and by extention the blame ( as his love of his family and desire to protect them demanded) WE know this, becuase his face and physical actions and reactions do not match his words.
It's not a simple as his ego or his family. Breaking Bad is all about complex layers and shades of Gray.

Walt's Center IS his Family. That's his prime motivator. It's his reason for getting up in the morning, and his reason for working through all the hell he puts himself into.

HOWEVER, Walt is Driven by his Ego, which is in turn fuled by his self-loathing for what he has let his life become. He accepts this becuase he does love his family and they motivate him, but he is not happy.

The Money IS for his family, But it also represents Walt's accomplishment. HE did that. HE made it happen. it's HIS empire, and it's FINALY something he can be proud of. It's his source of joy. Even if it is a little dark.

Additionaly, His ego pushes him to not only be good at what he does, but to be THE BEST HE POSSIBLY can.

The BEST cook
The BEST Meth
The BEST Father
etc. All these things work in concert.

HIs Core, defining emotion is his love for his family, and it Trumps EVERYTHING. it's all consuming for him. This is why despite EVERYTHING he offered to throw it ALL away to save Hank. EVen though Hank Despises him, He Still wanted to save him.

Then there is the Greed. Walt's Greed is only trumped by his Love of his Family, and his desire for Legacy. HOWEVER, his Greed is Fuled By his Ego, which in turn fuels his love of what he does, and his desire to be the best, which he uses the money as a gauge for how well he is doing.

Walt is also Aragant. He assumes that he allways knows best ( though, to his credit, he usualy does) and assumes everyone will just follow his lead without question.

People are pannicky, and paranoid, so this is not the case.

Yes, Walt said ALOT of hurtful things toi Skyler on the phone. But, it's important to note the WHY. He did it to drive her AWAY from him , and the life he was leading. He KNEW he was being recorded, so he was careful to take all the credit ( as his ego demanded) and by extention the blame ( as his love of his family and desire to protect them demanded) WE know this, becuase his face and physical actions and reactions do not match his words.

That is a spot on interpretation I think :duff
Do you mean pics that were taken from 5A's flash forward (I believe Live Free or Die) but were cut or do you mean you were expecting diner footage in the second flash forward (Blood Money)?

Live Free or Die. I guess I don't remember them (him in the Denny's before he gets the car and gun seen in the 2nd flashforward from Blood Money). My bad.
Rian Johnson who directed the recent episode Ozymandias wanted to remain surprised about the finale like the rest of us.

It's not a simple as his ego or his family. Breaking Bad is all about complex layers and shades of Gray.

Walt's Center IS his Family. That's his prime motivator. It's his reason for getting up in the morning, and his reason for working through all the hell he puts himself into.

HOWEVER, Walt is Driven by his Ego, which is in turn fuled by his self-loathing for what he has let his life become. He accepts this becuase he does love his family and they motivate him, but he is not happy.

The Money IS for his family, But it also represents Walt's accomplishment. HE did that. HE made it happen. it's HIS empire, and it's FINALY something he can be proud of. It's his source of joy. Even if it is a little dark.

Additionaly, His ego pushes him to not only be good at what he does, but to be THE BEST HE POSSIBLY can.

The BEST cook
The BEST Meth
The BEST Father
etc. All these things work in concert.

HIs Core, defining emotion is his love for his family, and it Trumps EVERYTHING. it's all consuming for him. This is why despite EVERYTHING he offered to throw it ALL away to save Hank. EVen though Hank Despises him, He Still wanted to save him.

Then there is the Greed. Walt's Greed is only trumped by his Love of his Family, and his desire for Legacy. HOWEVER, his Greed is Fuled By his Ego, which in turn fuels his love of what he does, and his desire to be the best, which he uses the money as a gauge for how well he is doing.

Walt is also Aragant. He assumes that he allways knows best ( though, to his credit, he usualy does) and assumes everyone will just follow his lead without question.

People are pannicky, and paranoid, so this is not the case.

Yes, Walt said ALOT of hurtful things toi Skyler on the phone. But, it's important to note the WHY. He did it to drive her AWAY from him , and the life he was leading. He KNEW he was being recorded, so he was careful to take all the credit ( as his ego demanded) and by extention the blame ( as his love of his family and desire to protect them demanded) WE know this, becuase his face and physical actions and reactions do not match his words.

A great father? You gotta be kidding me.

Walt has been more of a father to Jesse than he ever has been shown to be for Walt Jr. And last weeks episode was the most time he spent with Holly, much less acknowledging her....and that's when he Amber Alerted her, lol.
I've already said what my stance is. He ain't no hero. But he's one of the best villains i've ever seen for any media. And that makes him compelling. So that's how I view the character, and that's how the character is supposed to be viewed.
I've already said what my stance is. He ain't no hero. But he's one of the best villains i've ever seen for any media. And that makes him compelling. So that's how I view the character, and that's how the character is supposed to be viewed.

I agree, definitely not a hero, but I don't view him as the devil either. A seriously conflicted character. Like you say, makes him all the more immense!
A great father? You gotta be kidding me.

Walt has been more of a father to Jesse than he ever has been shown to be for Walt Jr. And last weeks episode was the most time he spent with Holly, much less acknowledging her....and that's when he Amber Alerted her, lol.

Yes, he is DRIVEN to be a great father. But he fails at it. I said his Ego pushes him ti be the BEST in all aspects of what he has become, and he uses his accumulated weath as a marker for this.

Buying expensive things for Holly, Buying Walt Jr an obscenely expensive car, etc.

I never said he WAS a great father in practice. That is something esle entirely.

The Jessie example is a great one as well. Parrents make hard decisions that are intended to make the lives of their children better. These decisions may make the children unhappy, but might lead to them being better off in the future.

And you're Absolutely correct, he has been more of a father to Jessie than to his own children. Something that Feeds into his self-loathing even more, which drives him to be more ruthless, in an attempt to do a better job, AND try to help jessie... by any means he can. Trying to direct him, and steer him to be a better person.

I'm not talking about what he ACTUALY DOES, OR how he ends up, merely his motivations and reasoning behind the decisions and actions that he takes.

i firmly believe in this scene, Hank finally understood why Walt was doing this. Hank and Marie didnt want to listen to Walt when Hank found out that he started this meth empire to provide for his family, including Hank and Marie.

I Agree Completely. Hank FINALY understood at that point... and it's heartbreakingly sad.

Neither one of them, Hank, nor Walt Are COMPLETELY Good, nor COMPLETELY evil. Both of them are shades of gray. My character analysis of Walt is up above.

Walt and Hank are VERY SIMILAR to each other. Both Value Family above all esle... Except while Walt is driven by Ego, Hank is driven By Pride.

Hank is too Proud to accept help from others.
Hank is too Proud to admit defeat.
Hank is too Proud to go the DEA, admit Hisenburg is his brother in law... that he has been right next to the biggest Drug dealer in the area for years, unable to see him.
Hank is too Proud to accept he's wrong.

And in the end, His Pride blinds him to what Walt is doing. He's too proud to listen. His pride gets the better of him, and gets him killed.

Just as Walt's Ego gets teh better of him, and ruins his life.

There are NO Heroes in Breaking Bad.

Only Protagonists and antagonists.
i was surprised at how fast Walt Jr. turned on his father. from how i saw it Walt was trying to disarm Skylar and try to get them to listen, never once did i think Walt was actually going to hurt Skylar.
Walt Jr is a ******* hero, sir.

Walter Jr Lives in a fairytale world where everything is sunshine and rainbows. He believes in the inherent black and white of good and evil.

He is Naive, and and blinded by his inherent belief, as well as slightly foolish.

Skyler Attacks Walt with a Knife, and he interpterts the situation in reverse when Walt trys to take the knife from her, then reports His father for a murder he didn't commit, He only suspects, as well as blaming the Assult HIS MOTHER COMMITED on him.

Yeah, some Hero.

Walt Jr WANTS to be a hero, but is more Don Quixote than Luke skywalker.
Walter Jr Lives in a fairytale world where everything is sunshine and rainbows. He believes in the inherent black and white of good and evil.

He is Naive, and and blinded by his inherent belief, as well as slightly foolish.

Skyler Attacks Walt with a Knife, and he interpterts the situation in reverse when Walt trys to take the knife from her, then reports His father for a murder he didn't commit, He only suspects, as well as blaming the Assult HIS MOTHER COMMITED on him.

Yeah, some Hero.

Walt Jr WANTS to be a hero, but is more Don Quixote than Luke skywalker.

Flynn to me is still very much a child. He is still in that child like mentality. the naive comments you make proves this.
He might be an teenager as far as age goes, but in his heart he is still pretty much a kid. That's why he lives in a fairy tale, because he is not mature enough to understand how reality works. He still has that child like innocence.
I think part of it is how his parents shield him from anything bad. Walter has an answer and an excuse for everything, and Skyler tries to hide the ugly truths from him.

I am curious to see the next episode and to see how this has affected him in the long run.

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