Ah, but you see, I've never needed to train cats not to eat poo, and not eat collectables.
You see, they are smart enough to know this already.
my point was to say that you had a really really awful dog. Dogs don't have to eat po. They can learn,just like a human learns.
Besides cats can be pretty disgusting too.....
Any animal that tracks feces all over your home is disgusting. That's exactly what cats do.
Cats are lauded for being clean,
but would a clean animal track potentially harmful waste all over your clean tables, furniture, countertops and children with their paws?
No, it wouldn't. It would have the decency to sanitize itself.
Parasites in cat po o may cause problems such as
blindness, hearing loss and mental disabilities in babies born to infected mothers.
People with weakened immune systems can also develop serious complications.
Don't even think about flushing that cat po down the toilet.
Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite found in cat po, may survive the wastewater treatment process and contaminate waterways, where it can harm humans and sea otters alike.
Also, it was revealed that the same parasite mentioned above
makes some people crazy. (hello lerath666
