I do not understand how what Hot Toys is doing with Predators is considered "milking." Making figures of the popular monster designs and main characters. That's milking now? So if they make more than one figure for any license then it is just milking a cow? Milking is Iron Man. Releasing variants that either did not exist or had no actual relevance to the film. Now that's milking. Considering all the unique types of Predator and the humans in this film, it goes without saying that if one sells well then they should keep going down the list. It isn't milking just like how if each Expendables or Sucker Punch character was a big profit then it goes without saying that the next member of the group should be done.
Call it milking when they release Birthday Surprise Berserker, Skinnyburn, Royce with an afro, Silver Tracker, etc...
Call it milking when they release Birthday Surprise Berserker, Skinnyburn, Royce with an afro, Silver Tracker, etc...