Mr. EcKo
OG Freak
LMAO. And you Guys laughed at me for wanting Fatburn and demanding Fatburn. The name Fatburn was made famous by Mr.Thrifty. credit To u brother
That was Nikolai, the Russian dude.Was Stans the big guy with the gatling gun? The one who is killed by Tracker. If he is then I would totally rather have him. Or the asian guy. Actually I think the asian was my fav human in the film.
At least they weren't cardboard cutouts like in AVP-R... Predators wasn't perfect, but it was definitely a step in the right direction.
well, Falconer and Celtic I consider the almost the same, small amount of screen time, one fight, death..
same with Tracker, Tracker was cooler than Chopper, but, same thing, almost non existent screen time, death..
AVP sucked, but the preds were handled almost identical in both films..
LMAO. And you Guys laughed at me for wanting Fatburn and demanding Fatburn. The name Fatburn was made famous by Mr.Thrifty. credit To u brother
Well he was the only interesting character in the movie. The rest all blew.
At least they weren't cardboard cutouts like in AVP-R... Predators wasn't perfect, but it was definitely a step in the right direction.
One truly INCREDIBLE! fight. Seriously, Predator swinging an Alien around by it's leg, bashing it's head through stone walls? The movie had flaws, but it's action scenes were extraordinary.well, Falconer and Celtic I consider the almost the same, small amount of screen time, one fight, death..
same with Tracker, Tracker was cooler than Chopper, but, same thing, almost non existent screen time, death..
AVP sucked, but the preds were handled almost identical in both films..
I hate the rock, so much. Just hate him. Dunno why, hate him.
If we're putting another big, tough, muscley guy in a Predator movie though.. I'd pick Statham. Awesome actor, and very likeable.
Side tracking here but after watching Fast & Furious Five and Faster I'd really like to see Dwayne Johnson in a Predator movie. Thay guy has great charisma on screen.
Statham would perfect for a Predator movie.