Super Freak
Mon Dieu! Ta gueule!!!!

Having said all of that, USA is having an amazing Olympics. Congrats.![]()
There will always be a war of "We're better then you! We're the best!" Every country has something to be proud about. The US has the greatest military on earth and Canada has a fantastic health care system (I love my benefits). Doesn't matter who the best is, IMO. What matters is that the athletes get out there and give it all that they can, their best. What more can be asked?
WOW Eli! That was actually gracious......now quit with the whining and the excuses and all will be good.![]()
Was just stating my personal opinion. Doesn't mean it's right per say.
I'm just gonna say GO WORLD!![]()
Brian Burke was quoted saying that, not me. And he spoke the truth. Canada was the better team against the US. Games are not always won by the best team and that's what he's trying to say. If you guys can't understand that then you didn't see the same game I did or you just don't get it. Yes, the USA won, but it was entirely a goalie's game. Our team dominated, but sadly Brodeur got more assists than the majority of your guys. His strength (stick handling) became his weakness. He's known for playing the puck smart, calm, and nearly error free. The Marty that night was of the rare variety. Doesn't matter now, Luongo is in now.
As much as I love MB30, he won't be getting any more games in because if Luongo wins, they'll give it to him, and if he losses, well, then we're out of this thing.
Canada has a great military (quality vs. quantity: no this is not directed at any one country) and we're one of the top peace corps missionaries around. In dog fight aerial competitions we usually beat the Americans. Our military men and women are some of the best trained in the world. And Canada's health care system, while good, is nothing I would write home about either. I am just saying, Canada and many other countries pride themselves in their own way, which isn't gloating how we're No. 1, bleah bleah bleah. We learn about our neighbours south of the border, but it's unfortunate how so little our neighbours from the south know so little of us.
Either way, this is heading into a political direction, and that's never a good thing. heh![]()
You don't have to go on defending Canada's powerful military might and aerial skills. We're just having a little fun here. Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II is a force to be reckoned with on the battle field.![]()
You don't have to go on defending Canada's powerful military might and aerial skills. We're just having a little fun here. Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II is a force to be reckoned with on the battle field.![]()
You don't have to go on defending Canada's powerful military might and aerial skills. We're just having a little fun here. Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II is a force to be reckoned with on the battle field.![]()
Although I agree, you have to take and give a little during friendly competition. That is the nature of the beast you talk trash and you get trash talked. Sometimes it isn't civil or respectable but that is the fun in it, just like every other sport. Just need to have fun with it. Some people don't understand that sometimes...especially certain Vikings fans who ironically don't come around here anymore.
Jibbeh jabbah. You don't even like hockey, so why do you care how the team does? I never see you in the NHL thread!![]()
No I agree, just reminding you fans, and giving you perspective that we played a great game. That Canada was not a force to laugh or mock.
Getting sick of the obnoxious posts I guess. We get it, you pride on your military and athletes.
Again, 310 million to our 34 million. Oh, and you want to talk about money sunk? USA has one athlete that has 9 million invested in them, and another with 3 million. That's 1/10th of what Canada put into their athletes (if this is true), and we're talking about two athletes there. We still come out on top per capita, and we did win 24 medals to your 25 in 2006. So I am also proud of what this small little Nation can accomplish. Now Norway is just phenomenal!
I don't have to like a sport to support my team.![]()
I wasn't aware that not talking in a thread dictated my interests. I am a hockey fan. I don't see you in the heterosexual thread a lot either so I assume you are gay.
You guys have good french fries and gravy though.
Eli......if Canada would've won you would've been all over everyone's ____.
Oh, and as for the population, etc., like Goindian said, with your logic, China should be on top of the medal standings. And like you said, Canada won almost as many medals in 2006, so all of this talk about population is moot.