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Alright guys, this is my "knife plan" so far. I am not saying this is the 'best way', I am just saying this is my current plan to get after it.

The gist of the below images is that nothing is perfect, and you will either have to do some heavy customizing, or settle.

I included in the image an EVA models Gerber mk2 that came with their marine kit, but as noted it was sculpted with a newer Cordura sheath that Hudson clearly did not use. (beautifully sculpted! The cordura actually looks like fabric!) But it also is a bit undersized, so cutting out the handle isn't really an option for me. I'd rather improvise my own solution.


The Gerber mk2 (and its 'clones'/copies that Hudson uses) were heavily influenced in style/design by the Fairbairn Sykes dagger. In that regard, finding a scale Fairbairn Sykes that is a bit sloppy is actually a damn good jumping off point in making your own Hudson knife. Or so I think...

The other marines knives are also not easy. No one really makes a "boot knife" as they arent sexy enough I guess. But luckily since they are so small, you can cut down other knives easily enough.
Re: Customizing your Marines: TIPS

Kam, were they expensive, those knives? Where can I contact that Shasow Fergo?
And the hand guard, it looks metal on your picture. Isn't it just balck, like the knight raider pic from bigbisont shows? Can I order it with the hand guard black, or do i have to paint it myself?
Re: Customizing your Marines: TIPS

Kam, were they expensive, those knives? Where can I contact that Shasow Fergo?
And the hand guard, it looks metal on your picture. Isn't it just balck, like the knight raider pic from bigbisont shows? Can I order it with the hand guard black, or do i have to paint it myself?

Expensive?? It depends on whats expensive for you, there are other people doing metal work more expensive than him. For me this knife is not expensive, good quality for the price. Contact shadow fergo in facebook ( and he will give you a price.

The Hand guard is metal you can paint it or ask Fergo to make it in plastic (dont know if he will be able or increase the price). I will paint it in black in the near future, no big deal for me. :)

Good luck!!!
Re: Customizing your Marines: TIPS

By the way. Ordered a new sheath from Dhadow Fergo. Will paint it in black since he hadnt it in black. Stay tunned ;)


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Re: Customizing your Marines: TIPS

OK, thanks Kam.
Is the blade and handguard metal, really? It looks like plastic...!
Then, he does accept customizations? What about making a night raider?
The hand grip is plastic. The rest metal. The sheath is made in false leather by Shadow Fergo too.

Never asked him before about the night raider, but sure he can do it.

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Talked to Fergo, he can make both knifes Hicks and Hudson with or without the sheath as you wish.

Hudsons knife will be as I described, the handguard (part between the grip and the blade) will be in metal but he can paint it in black.

Anyone interested? He told me I can open an interest list and depending on how many he will give a good price!
Talked to him too. Sent a bunch of HD screengrabs from the knife trick scene, along with a pointer to these pages. He's willing to resculpt and accurize Hudson's, plus make the Raiders. Great guy btw. It will come at a price though. The more people wanting it, the cooler the prices.
How many of you guys would be on board? I'd be down for 4 Raiders and 1 Hudson.
Please people share this with your fellow Aliens fans!
New questions for everybody:

- What's the state of the Vasquez art? The original HT body with those Cheong arm sleeves still remaing the best option? I've seen pictures and it rocks.

- Anyone knows of any cranes or yellow-black missile carriers? You know... For the Sulaco scenes.

- Anybody here knows of anybody capable of a great Vasquez head repaint for a reasonable amount?

Thanks, squad!
Re: Customizing your Marines: TIPS

Hii Kam.
Who painted your Hudson head?
Can you post un-manipulated pictures of it, in normal lighting conditions?

EDIT: "who" instead of "how".
Oh I forgot:

- Any idea anybody for 1/6 missiles, if possible remotely ressembling those seen on Aliens?

- Can anybody suggest best options for the pilots' flightsuits? Man & woman?

- I got DiD's LAPD Denver's head for Spunkmeyer, but it actually ressembles Wierzbowski. Any headsculpt recommendation for Spunkmeyer?

- Did anybody to locate some hs for Ferro?

- Has anybody found a better Wierzbowski than Denver, btw?

- Does anybody make the patches the CMs wore?

New questions for everybody:

1- What's the state of the Vasquez art? The original HT body with those Cheong arm sleeves still remaing the best option? I've seen pictures and it rocks.

2- Anyone knows of any cranes or yellow-black missile carriers? You know... For the Sulaco scenes.

3- Anybody here knows of anybody capable of a great Vasquez head repaint for a reasonable amount?

4- Any idea anybody for 1/6 missiles, if possible remotely ressembling those seen on Aliens?

5- Can anybody suggest best options for the pilots' flightsuits? Man & woman?

6- I got DiD's LAPD Denver's head for Spunkmeyer, but it actually ressembles Wierzbowski. Any headsculpt recommendation for Spunkmeyer?

7- Did anybody to locate some hs for Ferro?

8- Has anybody found a better Wierzbowski than Denver, btw?

9- Does anybody make the patches the CMs wore?

1-Phican has very recently released a "musclar" seamless body. I think they call it the '5E'. Not sure how its packaged, but I know they put it on the "red sonya" figure. It is in no way shape or form truly an actual "muscular" physique. It is your typical idealized fantasy shape, but it IS a bit more buff than their regular one and has much broader shoulders.

2-A fellow named AceRimmer on the Aliens Legacy has been focusing on just that. He has made 3D models of the various crates and cargo boxes found on the sulaco. Someone suggested he make the crane, but I am not sure if that is on his 'to-do' list yet. Eventually he plans to upload everything to shapeways for printing. He is still playing with scale in most cases but his shapeways name is 'chezmati' i think.

3-no idea.

4-no idea

5-No "accurate" flight suits exist. They were brittish RAF mk11s in the film, but no one does that exact suit. You will have to modify whatever you get, so don't stress the brand. The collar is the biggest thing, but then the flack jacket hides it, so I wouldn't lose any sleep over that either.

6-I repainted the Hot Toys Marine Sniper (Jake Gylenhall head) and if you nail the hair and facial scruff, it isn't that bad. But its not very good either...

7-Carving my own as we speak out of a Kumik head. I'll post it when its done, but its unlikely to be anything special. I doubt anyone will want to copy it or ask me to cast it!

8-Probably best to wait for Snyderman. Word on the street a few pages back was that Steedman/Ski was 'next' and currently being sculpted. No ETA, but just knowing he is "next" is good enough for me.

9- I use that guy quite a bit a few years ago. I can't say how it is now, but back then he was great to deal with. He will even do custom name-tapes in the correct USCM font. Be warned, the smaller your order, the longer he tends to take. Not blaming the man in any way, I would probably do that too, but the tiny orders seem lower on the priority list and he can take a while. The big orders get filled pretty quick.
Phicen's girls don't look at all like Vasquez... Really, there's nothing else? I've located a Cheong already...

Re: Customizing your Marines: TIPS

Hii Kam.
Who painted your Hudson head?
Can you post un-manipulated pictures of it, in normal lighting conditions?

EDIT: "who" instead of "how".

A guy in Spain called Carlos Jimenez painted it for me, but he is not taking comissions to paint any more to focuss in other stuff and hobbies he left behind. I have to get a new painter now. :gah:

un-manipulated, normal light condition? You mean with no paint and under sun light? The second one is gonna be hard but here you have some pics of him :

not painted.

BTW I saw you got rid of your Kaustik Apone. Why?? Rocco might never come around to do it...

I am going with a Snyderman Apone for now. I think their default paint job on the promo pics is a little light, so I think with a bit darker complexion it will be good. Gonna try it out.

Which flack jacket was used? M69, right?

Yep. The one drake came with is actually pretty small, so that is the one I used on Ferro. For my Spunkmeyer I am using the M69 that came with "Billy" (the predator figure). You can find them on Vietnam figures, but they are pretty rare and often costs $50+.

Phicen's girls don't look at all like Vasquez... Really, there's nothing else? I've located a Cheong already...


Call me crazy, and to each their own, but I was not a fan of the Cheong sleeves. They make her arms bigger and seamless, but they really are just thicker. Even with the muscles, she was not a 'thick' massive girl. Sure there was muscle, but she was all woman. I am happy with my Triad Alpha hispanic body. Thicker than most female bodies and bigger arms, but still feminine. Only drawback is not seamless.