The seller did not feel comfortable sending the package to an unverified location I don't see any issues with that. He probably didn't know your address wasn't verified until after you sent the gift. You got all of you money back, how much time did you really lose clicking send payment???? You really need to make a lot per hour if 5-10 minutes of your time is such a big deal. You coming on here to make him look bad when he did nothing to harm you in the end is WORST then him canceling a transaction because you did not have a verified shipping address
Firstly, my account is verified for a long time, confirm the attached photo.
Second, I got a refund only of $ 90, confirmation photos. And as for the lost time I lost more than you think because even now I say to you. This MR helmet
I looking for many months because I want to finish my collection. Since the six days I did not check any sites because I thought I bought the item that I was looking for.