I was thinking the same thing.. just the way he moved..
Yeah, Fred didn't like whitey.![]()
Epid Beard Man Vs. Epic Bus Driver???
Epic Beard Man Vs. Epic Bus Driver???
If you want to talk about SHOULD, he should have ordered her off the bus, and if she refused, called the police or thrown her off. He COULD have hit her harder, and frankly she deserved it, but that would not have been a wise move.
Those of you cheerleading this are utterly disgusting. Even if physically restraining her was totally justifiable (and it probably was), no man that size needs a wind-up punch in the face to do so. That was cowardly and senseless violence.
Ignorant. If a woman hits a man, she opens the door to getting hit back. Doubly so if she refuses to stand back when asked to do so, but instead hits and shouts profanities in his face. While I, personally, would've physically picked her up and thrown her off the bus with enough force to keep her off, it didn't look like that man was strong enough. The strike was justified. That aside, your post makes you a total hypocrite (no surprise there though). You expect women to have equal rights and equal say but expect preferential treatment. If a woman wants to step up to a man as a man would, she should be treated as such. No more, no less, and I assure you had this been a man, you'd be content with the outcome.
here's her response
i agree though, you cont do that **** to a woman.. but dayam that was some crazy ****!
Seriously, this forum is turning into redneck central. Can't you guys post things more... I dunno.. more positive.
*begins to play the banjo*
why? IF you DONT like it DONT WATCH IT!
This is the girl, that got punched
the fight was about money for the bus fare
They don't bother to show any of the crap she was doing or saying before the punch. Talk about a one sided story.
Well the reason why men aren't supposed to hit women is because women are supposed to be nice, gentle and considerate, and of course, hitting a nice gentle person would be wrong.
However, when a woman acts belligerent and aggressive and nasty, then she should not receive the same consideration as a nice person should. It isn't fair that a woman can act like a major ***** and act as belligerent and violent as she wants and then still be protected as if she was nice. Men don't get that treatment. It isn't fair. I hate how a lot of women get it both ways in so many situations, and demand that they are entitled to it, too.
They want ALL of the traditional benefits that women have always had AND all of the benefits that men have always had, too. However, males can't get that. It is blatantly unfair. Women should have to choose which to demand, either the traditional benefits, or only the benefits that both men and women can get, but not both.
Anyway, this woman really mouthed off in an entitled and rude way to this driver and then spit on him and hit him and acted as if she had the right to do it and get away with it just because she was a woman.
The man didn't hit her very hard at all, but he did it very dramatically.
I think he was probably looking at the look on her face, which was that she thought he wouldn't dare hit her just because she was a woman, so he did the wind up just to increase the shock to her attitude.
Honestly, after she spit on him he should have told her to get off, and if she hit him after that, he should have been able to smack her hard and throw her off, but unfortunately the law protects such *****es as her, and in effect, sanctions their actions. It's basically that women can slap you and spit on you to their heart's content, and you can't do a damn thing about it, and you have to just take it. I say unfair. That isn't justice.
ya she was in ghetto mode on the bus.. but ive been hit by women before and couldnt do that.. impresive uppercut though.. lol
lol. Just saw the video. Besides the uppercut (who does that?), I was more laughing when he got up from the seat and went Redd Foxx stance on her!!
Yes she was asking for it and yes he went too far with how he dealt with the situation. Obviously he didn't follow the Connery Code....