Funny how that figure appears to use the same JAKKS body, that thing is turning into a customizers dream for bulky, muscular figures.
could i get that link to the 1/6th sword? most Conan letter openers i've seen are a lil big
Tried to paint the body and head today, which basically didn't really work the way I wanted.
The chest is a plastic that doesn't really take acrylic paints that well, and the arms are a sort of rubber that don't my paint at all
I did however managed to give the head a little repaint so he doesn't seem to blush and wear lipstick anymore
Now for the hair; I'm thinking of buying a figure that has rooted hair which I can cut of with the scl-alp and transplant on the Arnold head (whose T3-hair I'll also cut off). Still not sure this the right way to go, though. But if I screw up, I can always buy a new Arnold Bbi head, they're only like 13$ or something... sure you did but did you clean him really well before painting? i know with some things ive painted i use a kitchen scrub pad & then lightly go over with acetone (but i wouldn't recommend that with the rubber arms & hopefully someone on here can give you direction with how to handle that). you may want to try putting "real" hair onto the head & keep in mind his leather head band.......that could probably help in this endeavor to get the hair to lay right. im assuming you need to dremel his existing hair/head down to like a bald head quality anyway....right?
what a fantastic project. I have a couple of these bodies spare in my loft. Might have to put them to use.
Didn't have much time the last couple of days, but did manage to get a little work done:
- cut of his hair and gave him a (stupid looking) sculpted skull cap. Tried to sculpt some hair on top, but that didn't work out to well; it looked like someone threw a wet rag over his head![]()
So, I'll probably go for some 'real' hair anyway and ordered a 1/6 long brown hair wig...
- started some sculpt work on his right arm gauntlet; it still needs to be painted and have the little spikes/buttons added...
arnie looks like he has a white fro or he's just lathered up with some shampoo.
i had high hopes for you bro but i had a feeling it wasnt going to work like you wanted it to. looks awesome so far though. im keeping a close eye on this as im starting mine as well. im going with real leather for his head band and the rest as in his belt and sheath, gauntlet and what nots, the only thing i dont have is a photo reference for is his boots and i dont have the movie either.
Don't give up on me yet, buddy. Still more to come :chew