so far it still says Limited Edition on the Sideshow website. So without a valid source, it's still a rumor.
They'll probably produce both the Droids and Hulk for 1-2 years and then close production. Then you'll have your edition size.
Yes then reopen it if demand is back again in 10 yrs.
so far it still says Limited Edition on the Sideshow website. So without a valid source, it's still a rumor.
Ahh man it is gonna be an expensive year, at least we get a little breathing room on these guys.
They'll just make them shinny with new episode III or VII bases and call it a day!
... Oh crap can this really happen?
. Please no!
... Oh crap can this really happen?
. Please no!
Why would you (or anyone) be disappointed by this? You bought them because a) you're a fan of SW, and b) they're something you want to have in your collection.
Didn't you?
It's been said before and will be said many times more - if people are in this hobby to invest, you're in the wrong hobby. Collect because you enjoy it, not because a piece has a high chance of being worth more $$ down the road.
I wanted the droids ever since I started collecting the PF line. It irked me a little bit that SS switched the TBD to LE on the reg edition, because of the principle behind it. But at the end of the day, I will still have the droids proudly on display.
I just want close to what I paid for them if I decide to sell. Some lost is fine, and is expected. But not a huge lost like 40 to 50% I would not be happy with. I don't care for investing in these for a few extra dollars which is pretty much nothing. Surely its not worth all the troubles in statue selling. Just way too much headaches. I'm sure if the same set comes out with a tiny change I would even lose money on the first ex Droids set. I know most don't care about this, even if they can only sell it for a 50% loss. I guess I'm just being a greedy bastard. Oh well maybe it's just me.
I think we're all guilty of that, or at least have been. I'm greedy in wanting more statues after I have plenty of them. It never ends.
Yes I did but then I would sell my ex I have now and get it for much less. I mean how dumb would I be for not wanting to save some money if an exact chrome set comes out for less.