Premium Format C-3PO & R2-D2 Premium Format Set

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once again i will reserve judgement on the ex until i have it in hand, but my tolerance level for it is very low at this point.

However dont be so quick to come to conclusion based solely on 1 flipper with some crap photos. Those were taken under full day light without adjusting the settings to decrease light exposure, most reflective paint will look like crap under such conditions.

It will be very easy to see the quality once in hand if they are hasbro or collectible.
I do want an R2, but don't see anyone selling just him, or Sideshow producing him alone... :(

That's the problem with parting this set.
I think most sellers who do so, will put a high sticker price for splitting the duo, so that they're not left with the less popular 3PO and no buyer.


...if you can convince someone that their farmer Luke would go well with 3PO :D

I've always been a massive fan of the clean droids and hence it was a no brainer for me when the Eax came up for pre order. That and the other reason of wanting to eventually display these droids with my 2 so I needed the bases to kind of match. As fantastic as the regular version looks, having the sandy base matched up with the 2 stormtroopers just wouldn't have looked good. From those first pictures of the EX it's still difficult to make a final judgement until I have them inhand which will be on Tuesday so not long to go. Very excited! :panic::panic:
Yeah, I would definitely reserve judgement on the exclusives. I'm sure in person they are very distinguishable from the Hasbro toys. Being spotless and reflective probably doesn't help them photograph very well. And lets not forget that many people will be attracted to the number at the bottom of the bases. There aren't many Star Wars pieces that are /200.
I've always been a massive fan of the clean droids and hence it was a no brainer for me when the Eax came up for pre order. That and the other reason of wanting to eventually display these droids with my 2 so I needed the bases to kind of match. As fantastic as the regular version looks, having the sandy base matched up with the 2 stormtroopers just wouldn't have looked good. From those first pictures of the EX it's still difficult to make a final judgement until I have them inhand which will be on Tuesday so not long to go. Very excited! :panic::panic:

I hope they look great for you in person!!!
once again i will reserve judgement on the ex until i have it in hand, but my tolerance level for it is very low at this point.

However dont be so quick to come to conclusion based solely on 1 flipper with some crap photos. Those were taken under full day light without adjusting the settings to decrease light exposure, most reflective paint will look like crap under such conditions.

It will be very easy to see the quality once in hand if they are hasbro or collectible.

The Regular photos have been taken under full light and controlled conditions - and it looks perfect under each :wave
I do want an R2, but don't see anyone selling just him, or Sideshow producing him alone... :(

Yeah they see R2 as a "Prop" and not a full character. The same thing is done with Yoda. I believe it is because they are smaller Star Wars characters and they should be combined with "full size characters" (Yoda with the clone/Luke and R2 with C-3PO...)

It would be fun if SS would make a R2 & Yoda PF based on the dagobah scene :lol
Unlimited = "Limited Edition" = whatever that means?

I must admit I was worried after the proto pictures, but in the hand these guys are now my favorite of my 15 SW PF's.

You'll love them!

Thanks mate, I really want them but might be a long time before I can afford them, hence me asking if the price will go up or down.

I see popculture has them for $900 but that is still a lot for me and I also want the snowtrooper and Chewbacca so a lot of $ to come up with and making $2 from selling helmet stands is not going to do it :gah:
I've always been a massive fan of the clean droids and hence it was a no brainer for me when the Eax came up for pre order. That and the other reason of wanting to eventually display these droids with my 2 so I needed the bases to kind of match. As fantastic as the regular version looks, having the sandy base matched up with the 2 stormtroopers just wouldn't have looked good. From those first pictures of the EX it's still difficult to make a final judgement until I have them inhand which will be on Tuesday so not long to go. Very excited! :panic::panic:

Very cool!
Looking forward to your feedback.
Yeah they see R2 as a "Prop" and not a full character. The same thing is done with Yoda. I believe it is because they are smaller Star Wars characters and they should be combined with "full size characters" (Yoda with the clone/Luke and R2 with C-3PO...)

It would be fun if SS would make a R2 & Yoda PF based on the dagobah scene :lol

Now that would rock! :rock
But that would still be one short-*** PF. :lol
Thanks mate, I really want them but might be a long time before I can afford them, hence me asking if the price will go up or down.

I see popculture has them for $900 but that is still a lot for me and I also want the snowtrooper and Chewbacca so a lot of $ to come up with and making $2 from selling helmet stands is not going to do it :gah:

Wait for a sale. I got mine for $719 delivered from Popculture (12 days of Christmas sale). In fact they just showed up 5 mins ago and are sitting on my desk right now.
That's the problem with parting this set.
I think most sellers who do so, will put a high sticker price for splitting the duo, so that they're not left with the less popular 3PO and no buyer.


...if you can convince someone that their farmer Luke would go well with 3PO :D


This is one of my all time favorite Threepio images. (It was the image on which the wrapper on the first series of vintage Topps cards was based.). I would love to have a 'pointing' hand for Threepio so he could do this pose.