Premium Format C-3PO & R2-D2 Premium Format Set

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A few helpful tips...

R2 is composed of 2 parts, his dome and body. Be careful not to lift him out without securing both parts when you unbox.
His third leg slides up and down ("that's we she said" moment right there), but it sits in a tight groove that's plastic on plastic. It seems like a good place for a break to occur if you don't pull down evenly.

3PO has very strong magnets to hold his face to his head. When attaching them, do so with caution. When I first attached his face, the magnets literally pulled it out of my hands as I brought it closer to his head. Damn! That will easily crack the edges of his face if you're not careful.
I didn't want to pay the price they are asking for these, but after seeing pics I might have to reconsider. Damn you Sideshow.

If you have an item pre-ordered can you switch your order to a different item without losing the NRD?
I didn't want to pay the price they are asking for these, but after seeing pics I might have to reconsider. Damn you Sideshow.

If you have an item pre-ordered can you switch your order to a different item without losing the NRD?

I have done that, and when talking with the SS rep, they informed me I would only be allowed to do it that one time. So be sure this is the item you want to swap for.
LOL... the EX prices on eBay have dropped CONSIDERABLY!

There's one guy asking 3K for them (and has for a while) but the others are around 1200-1500.

Now I know why SSC photographed them is such a dark setting - those shadows add depth to the shape - particularly on 3PO.

Interestingly - when SSC first launched the EX photos, I would have said that the EX 3PO was better than the Regular and the Regular R2 was better than the EX.

But now that I have seen both - the Regular is by far and away the more impressive piece for both characters.

And as Darth Patiki said (and owning 15 SW PF's myself) I can honestly say this set is the standout.
I must admit I was a little worried as sideshow's 3PO pics look way over weathered to me, but in hand pics look perfect. So glad the weathered version wasn't the ex as they are the perfect representation.
These guys look absolutely perfect. Cheers to all recieving them with Sideshow's long awaited launch. Alas, I myself will have to wait a bit longer going through my private seller but I will save a bundle in the end. Everything comes with a price of some kind I suppose.
A few more pics of the details:





Is the weathered version unlimited?
If so do members here think the price will go down any or should we be getting this now?
Won’t help me much as i can not afford this for quite some time but i would hope the price does not go up.