Premium Format C-3PO & R2-D2 Premium Format Set

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Is the weathered version unlimited?
If so do members here think the price will go down any or should we be getting this now?
Won’t help me much as i can not afford this for quite some time but i would hope the price does not go up.

I believe the regs are an unlimited like the stormtrooper, so I wouldn't be worried about the price of those.

At the end of the day I believe even the EX will see a drop or plateau in price from the high asking prices we are seeing at the moment, especially as now there are pics of how cheap and nasty they look compared to the weathered versions.

Who thought it was a good idea to give the EX, 2 separate, boring and bland bases? These guys are a team put em on the same base!
Did CBG ever get his ebay exclusive? :lol

He was fully refunded after quite a bit of shady business by the seller that he still fully defends and backs. The seller was dissatisfied with Sideshow's QC, and didn't want to deal with possible returns, so they cancelled all of their preorders.

Why do I know useless information like that? :slap
He was fully refunded after quite a bit of shady business by the seller that he still fully defends and backs. The seller was dissatisfied with Sideshow's QC, and didn't want to deal with possible returns, so they cancelled all of their preorders.

Why do I know useless information like that? :slap

I still wanna see that dudes credit card statement.....
Is the weathered version unlimited?
If so do members here think the price will go down any or should we be getting this now?
Won’t help me much as i can not afford this for quite some time but i would hope the price does not go up.
They're Limited Edition though I don't really know what that means in terms of quantity. Maybe a few thousand? They are unlikely to ever go down in price (unless they actually made tens of thousands) but I think you still have a good chance on picking them up at regular price from other sellers in the market after Sideshow sells out of them.
Impossible to say how long Sideshow will offer this, they may close the sales anytime they want as long as it's an open ES LE. But it will probably be around for quite some time, such as Hulk Maquette and Stormtrooper.
Yeah, me too. I have asked two times in this thread but haven't received confirmation from anyone who have the piece in hand whether or not it is indeed numbered. But you'd think someone whould've mentioned such a pleasant surprise.. :)
Yeah, me too. I have asked two times in this thread but haven't received confirmation from anyone who have the piece in hand whether or not it is indeed numbered. But you'd think someone whould've mentioned such a pleasant surprise.. :)


The boxes are numbered but the pieces aren't??

All it says on the base is Limited Edition.

My number was 928 on box but I'd guess that's some internal thing for them to have an idea how many they've pumped out?
Is the weathered version unlimited?
If so do members here think the price will go down any or should we be getting this now?
Won’t help me much as i can not afford this for quite some time but i would hope the price does not go up.

Unlimited = "Limited Edition" = whatever that means?

I must admit I was worried after the proto pictures, but in the hand these guys are now my favorite of my 15 SW PF's.

You'll love them!
Thanks for the great extra photos!!!!

A few more pics of the details:





Meh, I've asked him for pics for over a year of his supposed huge collection and he always has an excuse to not post any. Poseur until I see pics!

I posted the pics for him.. He sent them to me via his cell phone. They are gone now as I erased them out of my Photobucket.

His collection is huge... But just like his mind... It's all over the place, messy and confusing :) :)

He also sent me a photo of what he was eating that night... Which was just such a CBG thing to do :)
I posted the pics for him.. He sent them to me via his cell phone. They are gone now as I erased them out of my Photobucket.

His collection is huge... But just like his mind... It's all over the place, messy and confusing :) :)

He also sent me a photo of what he was eating that night... Which was just such a CBG thing to do :)

:lol Wow...well that's the answer he always gave me anyways. You sure he didn't find those on the net and passed them off as his own :lol
So there's no number on the bottoms of the base for the regulars? I saw a number on one box posted here...

Yeah, me too. I have asked two times in this thread but haven't received confirmation from anyone who have the piece in hand whether or not it is indeed numbered. But you'd think someone whould've mentioned such a pleasant surprise.. :)

Whoops! I must have missed that.

No, there are no numbers on the base.

So my best guess is that Sideshow will continue to produce these guys until the orders slow significantly, orders stop all together, or when they're ready to move their resources to the next big project.
Those weathered versions look perfect!! Still mad this is a set as I'd pay $400 for the R2 in a heartbeat.

For me? ;)

I would do the same!

The good news about R2 is that a seller could part with it. R2 is able to be posed as-is. 3PO, on the other hand, MUST have the base sold along with it as there is a 3/4 inch peg under the left foot that goes into the only hole on the base.