Super Freak
There have been cases where a certain amount 'stock' of items were set aside prior to their release, so that those on the show floor can order the piece if they wish. It's rare (and honestly I can't recall what item(s) had this happen for in the past...but it has happened), so there's always the possibility that will be the case for some items. In the case of the Ex. Droid set that went up today...probably not going to happen (BUT I cannot give a 100% yes or no as there's always the chance that orders will be attainable for those at that show, folks will just have to ask when they get there).
Andto your other comment!
seriously dont do it, it's just lame to change the editon size after the fact for ANY limited edition highend collectible especially since you guys already said on facebook and twitter it's soldout. Nothing else destroys a brand integrity faster...
remember the gollum/smeagol pf fiasco? It was one of the top grail pieces - highly sought after & soldout at es 500, owners were very happy. Then you guys decided to secretly release another 1000 es international version and pretty much destroyed this statue overnight.
Is pissing off your most loyal fans like that really worth a bit extra profit? Meanwhile the gollum remains unsold sitting in your factory to this day even in the discount bin, as fans give up on it due to the confusing edition size and all the shady manipulation. And owners remain pissed off about what has happened.