Anyone interested, look me up. I'll be on in about an hour. Same ID as my name. Later!
This is THE greatest thread ever. NASEDO, you are my new best friend. It's just so sweet to see that yet another message board collectively thinks he's a childish d-bag. You are not the first.
And JSK, awesome of you to call DM out. He must not like you now cuz he got a 360 right? Are you sure it doesn't have anything to do with you acting like a d1ck all the time, just like you do here? Don't call people out for getting sick of your BS.
And since I don't want to get in trouble for going OT, how is the single player campaign on COD5? Can you play split screen co-op campaign?
I take it JSK is a member?
Nice to see you here SM you getting this game? I'm gonna pick a copy up this weekend.
Yes, yes he is.
Hey bro! I don't think I'm gonna buy it, but it's next in my Q from Gamefly. Once I finish Mirror's Edge I'll be getting it. I'll make sure to hit you up when I get it, we can do the campaign co-op! I'm not a huge fan of COD's multiplayer.
He was, then he got a temp ban for acting like a childish tool and pretty much telling a few of us Mods to pound sand. Then he got caught calling GGC a bunch of d-bags on RebelScum. JSK is all about burning bridges apparently. So I don't think he'll be welcomed back to GGC with open arms. He's all yours Freaks, you have my sincerest condolences. But the GGC gaming section is a much nicer place now if any of you fine fellows wants to get the hell away from him, and we've got a great bunch of contests and stuff sponsored by GG coming up in the very near future. So when you can't deal with this 'tard anymore, feel free to come and join us.
Is there a fly in here...No it's just a ^^^^ tard and his friends following me.
You know JSK, if you're always in a bunch of internet and gaming fights no matter what board you're posting on you might want to look at the one common factor......YOU.
Jedi is not only a cry baby but a big liar. He admitted he was waiting for me up in a building where he hid the whole time. Thats camping. I ran around the whole map, then he shot at me from the building and I tried picking him off. I finally ran out to get killed so he would come out. I had a big lead early and he just hid. I let him catch up.
2nd he started the trash talking, with his big crybaby ego. I respected him until he dis-respected me. He drew 1st blood, so stop crying about that. You had to go to the "my moms fat and all that crap", so I let you have it. I respect everyone until the disrespect me.
3rd I waited until 11 o clock for you. Everytime your online you play 2 games and quit. I sent you invites for a rematch but you were 2 busy. I cant play video games at mid-night on a weekday. I'm on the east coast.
So pleassse stop crying, you lost. I didn't camp, I never camp look at my stats. I run out and shoot its a video game. The camping excuse is so lame, and I'm sick of hearing it. Its the easy thing to say. I used "bait & switch" on you twice. And I shot you head to head a few times. The only kills jedi got were from me being weak from killing him, me running in the open in circles trying to get him to stop hiding, and he spawn killed me. He got owned.
But not only is he a crybaby but worst of all a Liar. I can't believe he admitted he lost, but of course theres an excuse. He had a chance for a rematch but he had to eat for 3hrs. What more could I do????????
lol....what a long history. from one forum to the next.You know JSK, if you're always in a bunch of internet and gaming fights no matter what board you're posting on you might want to look at the one common factor......YOU.
There's a counter for every perk in the game so figure it out and kill them.
Speaking of killing, I'm on now and waiting for some cod5 matches. Bring it!
I think some people need to chill and quit with the name calling.