I shot him alot. maybe 2 betty kill. But he threw grenades, thats cheating.
3 betty kills and a spawn cap. Take those away you got 3 kills total.
are you guys playing now?
When we got in to the room, I didn't know what to do. I never played private match. I asked him. How do we do this, what map. He said anything goes, so I hit "X". There was never a discussion about rules. I never knew there was rules in war. He lost and Cried. And I only killed with one betty maybe 2, he was camping.
I can't wait for the rematch
Guys wins one match by 1 kill and by being a cheap player and he thinks he's the shiznit. Well here's some advice, your not.
I wish I lived in a world where making jokes about eating dinner was cool.
I'm still on, how can you eat for 3 hrs??????
Next excuse, please.
Congrats on the Win. Whats the saying a "win is a win"doesnt matter by how much or what means as long as you get the W.
starkiller, honestly did you feel like breaking something when you lost to nasdeo?
Nope, I was calm cool and collected. He actually was the one yelling. I simply said you only won because you camped and placed bettys. I said lets play another round, you inched by me with 1 kill. Which he called "pwning" unbeknownst, you have to own someone and really kick there ass to call it "owning".
He didn't want a rematch, most likely because he knew he barely inched out a win. And tonight when I signed back on after all the "oh I'm waiting, do eat your dinner" After 9 invites, he's on, and he didn't accept one to come challenge me again."
He threatened to kick my ass in real life which gave me a laugh or two, I then said let's play another round, quote un quote "You got lucky and you played cheap". He wouldn't.
So I guess that speaks leagues of itself.