Welp, just got back from gamestop and played a couple of TDM matches with my friends.
It's good. Nothing spectacular or groundbreaking. More of the same-old. Which is my biggest problem with the game. They couldn't of even made a couple new sound effects for the guns, or your footsteps? The graphics (though better then blops) are the same as MW2, I'll admit that the Campaign's graphics look better then the multiplayers graphics. Other then that it's just COD. I've been playing COD on Xbox since COD2 debuted as a launch title so I am a "veteran"

but they break them out so fast that they have lost that little spark of excitement you get when you play a new COD.
All I can say is that I got what I expected. I'm not disappointed or amazed, I'm just un-suprised. I'll definitely be putting A LOT more time on BF (been playing BF for ages) then this though.
EDIT: Why does your health seem so cut down on this game and the movement SO slow? It feels like I'm playing team swat on Halo 2 mixed with fat-kid on Halo 3.