Snobs. If you expected anything new, you're in the wrong franchise.
All the good reviews has piqued my interest.
Snobs. If you expected anything new, you're in the wrong franchise.
All the good reviews has piqued my interest.
My interest in COD multiplayer died the moment i picked up BC2, it was like i was blind but now i could see, like this whole 'nother level of better online FPSing was there but i never knew.
Looking forward to the single player on MW3 though, not enough to buy it, but i'll borrow it for sure.
being playing since 1am last nite after the midnight launch.
I will have the video soon.
my dam comp monitor died on me today.
The launch last nite at best buy was such a good time.
It wil be up tomorrow.
ok !!! This is the best CALL OF DUTY ever made.
OMG !! the campain was epic.
I just beat it.
Unreal the graphics on this game.
10/10 FOR ME !
The multiplayer is just what i wanted.
got my M4 red dot scope already and kicking ass.
last round 33-4 lol
is time to trow away black ops in the garbage.. I did long time ago.
such an epic day for video games.
I bought both last night, xbox 4 me ps3 4 my son, we all know xbox is way better in just about every area, go with xbox
This is the first time I've ever bought COD on Xbox. I've always had Ps3's but after my 3rd Ps3 died the yellow light death. I thought it was time to convert & I'm glad I did, shame it took all these years for me to do so.
Yep it's the same ____ing game. Whoopty do. Everyone should've known this.
Yeah, you'd think that. But no. No it doesn't. It was never going to be differently because this game exists for people who want to pick up, and play without having to re-learn everything.
It's the same old ____. And that's why I love it. I dont have to worry about anything so drasticly different that it makes playing it poor.
being playing since 1am last nite after the midnight launch.
I will have the video soon.
my dam comp monitor died on me today.
The launch last nite at best buy was such a good time.
It wil be up tomorrow.
ok !!! This is the best CALL OF DUTY ever made.
OMG !! the campain was epic.
I just beat it.
Unreal the graphics on this game.
10/10 FOR ME !
The multiplayer is just what i wanted.
got my M4 red dot scope already and kicking ass.
last round 33-4 lol
is time to trow away black ops in the garbage.. I did long time ago.
such an epic day for video games.
Not liking MP too much. Although I almost had 50 kills one of my games, really don't like the maps yet. Seem too big and too much to cover. And no Claymores yet. Feels like free for all, always gotta watch ur back.