Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

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People complaining about the maps must be getting fragged a lot. They might mot be huge but they're intricate as hell, and offer a ton of ways to get from point A to point B. If you're not liking the maps you're using bad form ol' chap.
Form on COD? :lol The only form's are run and camp. This isn't Halo or Gears. The maps are just there to play on. They are not designed for strategic uses.
Form on COD? :lol The only form's are run and camp. This isn't Halo or Gears. The maps are just there to play on. They are not designed for strategic uses.

Bull____!! Your telling me it's not strategy to know when to throw a grenade or a knife across the map and hit people at times multiple people, that happens far to often to be luck.
Bull____!! Your telling me it's not strategy to know when to throw a grenade or a knife across the map and hit people at times multiple people, that happens far to often to be luck.

:lol Okay you got me there, sometimes I whip out my protractor just to make sure I'm getting the right trajectory and angle of semtex throw. :lol
The maps are small, but quite tactical. Easy to flank and attack positions from multiple sides at once. If you play it smartly using flanking and good claymore placements, you can win about any game.

Or at least, my team can, it seems, because everyone else seems to play like "herpderp i be runnin' all over durr place wif mah nades and my pimp camo gunzzz".

I wonder how many of the common CoD and Battlefield players know what I talk about when I say "take cover".
:lol Okay you got me there, sometimes I whip out my protractor just to make sure I'm getting the right trajectory and angle of semtex throw. :lol

I could e only half right, stupid people will run to the same spot even after they already died 4 times there! Lol.......... Yeah I've done it to!
Call-spots, power-weapon pick ups. Symmetrical, unbiased spawn-zones less choke points. If you have ever played GOW or Halo you probably already know.

The maps on all COD's are just for you to play on. Not much thought goes into them. The only way you kinda use the maps strategically on COD is if you play S&D. Other then that theres not much to them.

What's "strategic" to you that wouldn't be described as running or camping exactly?
The maps are small, but quite tactical. Easy to flank and attack positions from multiple sides at once. If you play it smartly using flanking and good claymore placements, you can win about any game.

Or at least, my team can, it seems, because everyone else seems to play like "herpderp i be runnin' all over durr place wif mah nades and my pimp camo gunzzz".

I wonder how many of the common CoD and Battlefield players know what I talk about when I say "take cover".
The maps on BF are awesome for the type of game it is. Lot's of different routes big and small spaces for the type of player you are.
I could e only half right, stupid people will run to the same spot even after they already died 4 times there! Lol.......... Yeah I've done it to!
:lol Yup. People sure do charge you if you kill them. That's why camping is so easy on COD.
The maps are small, but quite tactical. Easy to flank and attack positions from multiple sides at once. If you play it smartly using flanking and good claymore placements, you can win about any game.

Or at least, my team can, it seems, because everyone else seems to play like "herpderp i be runnin' all over durr place wif mah nades and my pimp camo gunzzz".

I wonder how many of the common CoD and Battlefield players know what I talk about when I say "take cover".

Yea, if you can't find "strategy" in the maps you must not have a firm grasp on tactics.
Call-spots, power-weapon pick ups. Symmetrical, unbiased spawn-zones less choke points. If you have ever played GOW or Halo you probably already know.

The maps on all COD's are just for you to play on. Not much thought goes into them. The only way you kinda use the maps strategically on COD is if you play S&D. Other then that theres not much to them.

Power weapon pickups? Care packages and perks aren't enough? Not to mention killstreaks.

I have yet to encounter a single choke point on a map since there's at least 3 ways to get anywhere. Having your buddies set up attack points so you can funnel the enemy down specific areas is tactical, and entirely possible in CoD. They promised emphasis on the gun game and have delivered so far.
Yea, if you can't find "strategy" in the maps you must not have a firm grasp on tactics.

All it takes is logical thinking.

A simple one for Kill Confirmed:

Stick with a teammate. Try to use a lot of CQC with at least 1 escape route if things go south. If your teammate gets killed, go back into cover, preferably higher up, so you have a clean line of fire and don't have to do things in seconds, without denying the kill, use the tags as bait, see the other guy run towards them to confirm the kill, ambush them, deny and confirm the kills of your teammate and the enemy player.

Important: Don't be on your teammates ass, but leave a few seconds inbetween or the enemy will just get a Double Kill.

Can be one on any map.

Another note on Single Player: Is it just me or does Makarov's accent sound different, maybe more American than Russian, especially in the mission "Turbulance"?

Edit: Look what the tags say in Kill Confirmed

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Power weapon pickups? Care packages and perks aren't enough? Not to mention killstreaks.

I have yet to encounter a single choke point on a map since there's at least 3 ways to get anywhere. Having your buddies set up attack points so you can funnel the enemy down specific areas is tactical, and entirely possible in CoD. They promised emphasis on the gun game and have delivered so far.

Killstreaks, Perks and Care Packages aren't part of the map. In-fact, these promote camping and to use only one part of the map.

No one uses teamwork during COD. All you get is a bunch of 14 year-olds trying to talk smack wether or not your on their team or not. What they promised was a new COD and all I got was MW2 with a 3 slapped on the box. I like the game. Just wanted to love it. If you think they have changed a lot you need to step back and look at the last couple COD's. There hasn't been any improvement at all since COD4. There's tones of choke points in objective-type games. Maybe you have just been sticking to DM or TDM?

All I'm saying is that this is the worst COD as far as maps go. There all tight-spaced ass fights.
The multiplayer may not be t my liking, but I can see having a lot of fun with the Survival mode. I just wish it was four player like zombies.
They maps do sucks. Too many places to hide and they are not strategic at all. Black Ops was great for Run n Gun, this COD seems more suited for campers, with all the places to hide. Its very difficult to cover an area by yourself in this cod. The others it was possible.

My skill is still the same. I avg. over 20 kills a game. But not impressed. The games dont seem as competitive. Going to buy Skyrim tomarrow. Kinda of sad I dont like this COD.
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crap maps!! far too tiny for 24 man games.poor servers,lag everywhere! bullets not registering! full of campers! smalls maps with skies filled to the brim with constant helicopters,choppers,air strikes etc!

you cant unlock claymores til level 50 or summink but u can unlock the perk that allows u to see the claymores at like level 12-

bit of poor effort this year! ive had more killstreaks/support/assault in the 3 days its been out than for entire mw2/blops games.
type 99 seem to be the best gun for me so far!
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I'm about ready to put this piece of crap recycled game down. Of all the FPS games that I play, this one manages to frustrate the crap out of me the most. I don't know if it's the small maps or what, there's something about the multiplayer that I can't seem to put my finger on quite yet but I'm certainly not having fun which is what games are for. Half assed effort from everyone who made this game. The only difference between this and Modern Warfare 2 is the number 3 on the box. It's never gonna change.