Darth Waller
Are you on the square?
I had a $20 credit, so I just ordered it from Amazon.
Yup. They did as little as possible. Same textures, sound effects, models, animations..same everything. They took the MW2 map editor and created a bunch of poorly designed maps and slapped a 3 on it.
I'm astonished that people are surprised with this. At some point people will learn...maybe with MW4. Devs and studios know that people will blindly buy this game.
Not trying to be a douche, the game has some similarities, but it's a lot different in many ways. Their are several huge maps, it's more of a run and gun type game now. It's hard to get a big kill streak unless u camp, they made a perk to get back at campers, if ya think the map are small get out from behind the box and run around for a little while
The maps are tiny. All I do is run and gun. They're tiny.
The maps are tiny. All I do is run and gun. They're tiny.
Who said I was surprised?
What do you want maps like red dead where matches last an hour?! Lol
Wasn't really quoting you directly..just the impression from reading most of the posts.
Wasn't trying to single you out. Sorry if it came across that way.
I want the maps to not be tiny.