Super Freak
Unfortunately, that's been a Treyarch trademark. They make pretty good games and have some good ideas, but they screw themselves with busted code.
I don't remember WAW being like that. In fact it was pretty solid IMO.
Unfortunately, that's been a Treyarch trademark. They make pretty good games and have some good ideas, but they screw themselves with busted code.
I don't remember WAW being like that. In fact it was pretty solid IMO.
IMO they should forget about god damn pumping these sequels out and perfect what we paid good money for. Especially with all these DLCs which are almost sort of required to get the full enjoyment out of multiplayer. With how many COD titles they still can't fix the ____ing net code to make online multiplayer enjoyable and playable.
stop being so ____ing cheap and just create dedicated servers already! give us what we all deserve for making you billions activision. if EA can do dedicated servers with BF3 there is absolutely NO REASON why you guys can't. ____ing _____es.
I don't remember WAW being like that. In fact it was pretty solid IMO.
It actually was notorious for it's spotty hit detection. I didn't play WaW much online though, so I can't testify to that. Its just the rep that Treyarch has developed.
Yeah, you won't find too many people who will argue against dedicated servers....unless you aak the cheap ____s at Activision. Considering that CoD is one of only two franchises they have that makes them billions and they no doubt plan to milk it for the next forever, servers seem like a sound investment. From their perspective...why bother? They're breaking records every year without them.
Yeah, you would think though eventually people will get tired of the crap and walk away for good, I'm to that point with gears, the only reason I play is to play with my friends.
I was at that point after Gears 2. That game's online was so craptastic I couldn't stand thinking about Gears for the longest time. Then, the online beta for 3 came out and it made it look promising enough for me to buy it.
Yeah, you would think though eventually people will get tired of the crap and walk away for good, I'm to that point with gears, the only reason I play is to play with my friends. I just hope Cod doesn't do that. We will see, I don't expect much from the next one. Didn't they say IW is working on a " next gen cod"?
I was at that point after Gears 2. That game's online was so craptastic I couldn't stand thinking about Gears for the longest time. Then, the online beta for 3 came out and it made it look promising enough for me to buy it.
Played a few games last night but no one was online. I think I played literally like 4 games and then jumped off.
I don't care much for 3rd person multiplayer games. I tried the multiplayer in Uncharted and I just couldn't get into it.
Same here. Another thing those two have in common is bullet sponge. Two MILLION bullets to kill somebody. I hate that.