Rewatched the Burton Batman movies in 4K the other night and I will be honest the first one just doesn’t hold up. To be fair the music is amazing, the Batmobile is amazing and that’s about it. I don’t like how they designed the city it’s such a weird hodge podge of styles, those cars stick out badly and the photography is mostly awful like they didn’t know how to shoot those huge sets. And the acting! Woof. Nicholson is having the time of his life but everyone else looks either bored or tired or both. I like Keaton in the role but I think ultimately the script is terrible especially the risible dialogue. And that’s a shame because when it works, it’s amazing. I still say that Batman’s entrance into the art gallery is his best ever in a movie. 6/10
Batman Returns on the other hand is close to a masterpiece. Hiring Daniel Waters was one of the best things they did. The dialogue in this movie is incredible especially from Penguin and Catwoman, “I’ll murder you momentarily”, “I wouldn’t touch you to scratch you”.
And it looks gorgeous. The set design is much more interesting and consistent in this one and the photography is gorgeous. The way Catwoman pops in the 4K is truly something.

Casting is spot on, Walken is Walken and both DeVito and Pfeiffer are truly extraordinary. Both award winning performances and they both utterly transcend the form. Keaton is Keaton but is better here with a better script. 8.5/10