At the request of our clients we began pre-orders so that they can reserve the item for their collection before it arrives into our warehouse. This means many times pre-orders occur before or during the production process of the item, therefore the pictures are of protoypes and marked accordingly. This is why we update our clients with new pictures and product details when possible.
At the time of the blog posting, the item is 30 days from arriving to the warehouse. All orders are in pre-order status and NO money has been collected. If you feel that you will not be happy with the item as it is described in our blog, simply cancel your pre-order which you can do without penalty as long as it happens in the next 3 weeks. In addition, collectors have 30 days after delivery to inspect their figures and return them for a refund if they find the quality lacking.
We hope that collectors will be patient and wait to critic the piece until they have it in hand. We firmly believe that the collectors will be pleased with the final results.