Cannibal Doctor Lecter by Nek74 *INTEREST*

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Re: Let's get a Hannibal Lecter already!!!

Great pics BeeShaw. I think he would be perfect. The Ocelot looks amazing and you can see the potential for Lecter.
Re: Let's get a Hannibal Lecter already!!!

Usually, about how much does a Nek head cost?
Re: Let's get a Hannibal Lecter already!!!

All the ones I've purchased have been $35 plus shipping. :)
Re: Let's get a Hannibal Lecter already!!!

All the ones I've purchased have been $35 plus shipping. :)

If he is sculpting a restraint mask, should be too much more I would imagine. He doesn't paint the sculpts correct?
Re: Let's get a Hannibal Lecter already!!!

He does not paint. GDB does a great job in bringing out the nuances of Nek's sculpts though. :monkey3

(plugging all my peeps in here lol)
Re: Let's get a Hannibal Lecter already!!!

Put me on both lists dark passenger. I'm interested for sure.

Definitely would like the blue jumpsuit as that's the classic for me. I think the key is it has to be tight fitting.
Re: Let's get a Hannibal Lecter already!!!

Put me on both lists dark passenger. I'm interested for sure.

Definitely would like the blue jumpsuit as that's the classic for me. I think the key is it has to be tight fitting.

Yes man, the tight neat fit is a must for the blue jumpsuit.
Re: Let's get a Hannibal Lecter already!!!

Since it hasn't really come up yet, I'd like to say, I assume this will end up a deal for raw sculpts, but I want an unpainted one, I have a specific painter I'd want to do it and getting one painted would be a waste of tha painter's time and my money.
Re: Let's get a Hannibal Lecter already!!!

Definitely would like the blue jumpsuit as that's the classic for me. I think the key is it has to be tight fitting.

And just a slight bit of paunch, Hopkins was pretty slim but he had a bit of a belly on him.
Re: Let's get a Hannibal Lecter already!!!

Since it hasn't really come up yet, I'd like to say, I assume this will end up a deal for raw sculpts, but I want an unpainted one, I have a specific painter I'd want to do it and getting one painted would be a waste of tha painter's time and my money.

If Nek does it, he doesn't offer painted services according to BeeShaw. I want an unpainted sculpt also.
Re: Let's get a Hannibal Lecter already!!!

What about us poor bastards who can't paint and/or have the tools? :(
Re: Let's get a Hannibal Lecter already!!!

Yea I'd like a Hannibal Lecter put me down for the full set.....mybe rainman's next project ;)
OK Dark Passenger we thiink to much alike:horror
Re: Let's get a Hannibal Lecter already!!!

I have the Medicom figure he looks like a midget next to my other figures. I even tried to change out the body but the damm head is to small. Was thinking of of using him as a Dexter victim lol
Re: Let's get a Hannibal Lecter already!!!

An artist once tried to sculpt me, I ate his liver with some fava beans, and a nice chianti....pffffff pffffff pfffffffffff.

Re: Let's get a Hannibal Lecter already!!!

Dark Passenger, I started the list, technically, I should be #2, at least...
