Batches? I was told on live chat today I would get tracking info no later than Monday for sure on it. Maybe UPS couldn't take them all today?
Mine still says Processing, not even Shipping soon. That's my assumption on batches. Come Monday it could be a different situation, but I'm just going by the fact I haven't seen anything yet while yourself and others have. We'll see I suppose. In any case, it's good that your getting yours.
I have been fortunate not to have many problems but I truly hate how they have limited replacements parts and feel really bad for collectors like yourself. If you have a genuine fault they should produce the part needed, if it costs them money, too bad they should have made it properly in the first place!
Me and SS's relationship...well my very 1st order from SS was Rogue PF EX so we started off with problems. Lol. I've taken several credits for issues I could live with when they couldn't replace my parts, but I've had to return as well. I'm not too picky...minor paint slop I'll ignore. It has to be really obvious and distracting for me to bother reporting. I've even ignored a paintbrush hair fused to one of my statue's paint jobs, annoying as it is, I didn't report it at all. I only report paint globs, cracks, chips, etc. That said I've had some amazing pieces but too often I see others getting excellence and I get the short end of the stick. For SS for me it's wait and see. I agree with your opinions, but SS's often quoted "great customer service" is great until they have no replacements, a situation I know all to well. That said, I gota close on some positivity...I hope this statue rocks for us all, no matter when we get it! It just looks too good.

That's who sends crap jobs and holds replacement parts!