Unfortunately his role as scarecrow is so iconic that I think he'll never get another CB gig because of it.
Also, side treading, not seeing him with the mask on at that massive tribunal in TDKR: major fail. That image of scarecrow at that fantastic massive pile of desks would've been brilliant. Nolan really wasn't on point with the details, TDKR could've definitely been the best of all three. Ugh, I've spent too much time brain storming on how much better that second act could've been. Curses threquels, freakin cursed.
CAWS was like a great James Bond flick!...
Pfffft, James Bond. They needed to ripoff the dark knight to make that franchise even remotely appealing again. (Mendes freakin admitted it.)
James Bond is for old people's nostalgia, Between Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Black Widow, Bourne, Batman and every other god damn franchise that has elements of spy thrillers, use of gadgetry, quirky villains and suave leads, he has no relevance left. He's not necessary nor impressive anymore in the action genre. You can't make a conspiracy thriller anymore without tackling global issues and UK just doesn't have much relevance anymore in the globalised world run by america, the middle east, russia and china (I'm from neither of those countries). I'm sure British people like it and older generations, I know my older brother still does, but honestly, apart from nostalgia that franchise has nothing interesting to offer.
Winter Soldier > any Brosnan or Craig Bond film. And the rest is too old to compare.
No relevance? Skyfall outgrossed every superhero/spy/Bourne movie in existence except for The Avengers (and has only been surpassed by IM3 since.) If it "ripped off" TDK it apparently did so to better effect than any film Nolan has ever made, including The Dark Knight.
@Khev, okay I'd really love to hear you about the fact that both TDKR and Man of Steel are so much higher than BB or TDK.
I didn't watch Bond movies before Craig. Too cheesy.
You've got a crimefighter in a rubber bat costume as your avatar, and you're too cool for old school Bond?I didn't watch Bond movies before Craig. Too cheesy.