Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier (SPOILERS)

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Thor, Thor 2, IM2, TIH were OK.

Cap 1, IM3 were good.

IM, Avengers were very good.

Cap 2 was great.

FOr reference:

Spiderman 3
X-man 3
Wolverine origins
green lantern


You see, I deleted my message because I didn't want to lose an ally of the only other person on the forum who apparently didn't despise Thor 2, but now you've gone and made a mortal enemy. It's on, Khev. Like a steamy pot of neck bones. How dare you dislike what I love??????

*insert angry Anakin Skywalker gif here*

I liked Thor 2. :D
I'm glad they tied Falcon to the military, it established an immediate level of combat skill that you can't get from a brainwashed pimp. I think Mackie brought personality and likability to the character that Cheadle (IMO) hasn't brought to Rhodey, and that Renner hasn't had the chance to bring to Hawkeye. In the comics, fans are a little more accepting of outlandish origins but for a film I think they need to keep it more grounded in a realistic manner if you are going to portray these guys as elite fighters. It was enough of a stretch to let myself believe Evans could last a minute, let alone win against St Pierre but they made it look really good.
I liked Thor and the resurrection scene still makes me wanna jump outta the seat and cheer. Thor 2 bugged me when they had multiple "Kursed" warriors and the Asgardians defeated them but Thor was being beaten by Kurse. I think they are already being very inconsistent with the representation of Thor (just as they are in the comics) at first he takes on 5 dozen frost giants and the giant ice dog, levels the rock monster, then he struggles against Kurse but is in a dead heat with an Aether infused Malekith. I would love to see them cut loose with an unleashed Thor. The other thing that bugs me is the idea of Loki outsmarting/defeating Odin. Odin is in a whole other category of power and I would love to see him duke it out with Thanos.
I'm glad they tied Falcon to the military, it established an immediate level of combat skill that you can't get from a brainwashed pimp. I think Mackie brought personality and likability to the character that Cheadle (IMO) hasn't brought to Rhodey, and that Renner hasn't had the chance to bring to Hawkeye. In the comics, fans are a little more accepting of outlandish origins but for a film I think they need to keep it more grounded in a realistic manner if you are going to portray these guys as elite fighters. It was enough of a stretch to let myself believe Evans could last a minute, let alone win against St Pierre but they made it look really good.
I liked Thor and the resurrection scene still makes me wanna jump outta the seat and cheer. Thor 2 bugged me when they had multiple "Kursed" warriors and the Asgardians defeated them but Thor was being beaten by Kurse. I think they are already being very inconsistent with the representation of Thor (just as they are in the comics) at first he takes on 5 dozen frost giants and the giant ice dog, levels the rock monster, then he struggles against Kurse but is in a dead heat with an Aether infused Malekith. I would love to see them cut loose with an unleashed Thor. The other thing that bugs me is the idea of Loki outsmarting/defeating Odin. Odin is in a whole other category of power and I would love to see him duke it out with Thanos.

Yep that inconsistency is really bugging me.... not only with Thor but with Mjolnir as well(''it's power has no equal''), like when he throws it at Kurse and he just knocks it away like Thor threw a rock at him, terrible. Are they downplaying his powers or what? Yes/No/Yes/No... :gah:
I'm glad they tied Falcon to the military, it established an immediate level of combat skill that you can't get from a brainwashed pimp.

I love that line.:lol

[Lists CB movie ratings.]

I'm curious to see people's CB top 10 at this point. Not to criticise it or to ***** or moan, just to see what diversity exists among fans and what fans base their overall ranking on. It's meant in good spirit ftr and making a dedicated thread for it seems a bit unnecessary so I'm gonna ask it here. Winter Soldier has brought in enough appreciation from all sorts of film fans so I'd think there's a good variety of people here.

1. The Dark Knight
2. Batman Begins
3. X2 (beats out Watchman for being so much earlier)
4. Watchmen
5. The Dark Knight Rises
6. Man of Steel (beats out V by mere inches)
7. V for Vendetta
8. Winter Soldier
9. Scott Pilgrim vs The World
10. X-men/Avengers (tie)

I can't believe Scott Pilgrim gets in at 9, but waddaya know? My top ten is the resulting sum of favouritism, general critical opinion of the film and the aspect of pushing the medium forward. An honorary mention goes out to Superman 1, Batman '89, Spider-man 2 (2002) and Iron Man (2008), I respect their effort in popularising CB movies, but I just don't like them for a variety of reasons (especially ageing when it concerns Superman), I can't in good conscious put them in my top 10 no matter how much impact they've had on the genre. But an honorary mention to those four felt proper.
Ill play along:

my top 10

1. Cap 2
2. TDK
3. Avengers
4. Spiderman 2
5. Iron Man
6. Hellboy
7. Watchmen
8. X2
9. Cap 1
10. The Wolverine
Off the top of my head, ranking as favorites, and not necessarily the best made films (excluding non traditional comics like A History of Violence/Road to Perdition, or comic movies not actually based on comics like the Incredibles):

1) Batman Begins
2) Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
3) X2
4) Superman
5) Dark Knight
6) Spider-Man 2
7) Thor: Dark World
8) X-Men: First Class
9) Winter Soldier
10) Iron Man/Hellboy 2 (tie)

I thought Avengers might squeak in, but no. The Alan Moore movies were good, but I'm a massive fan of the original comics first, and think they are way more effective than the movie versions.
^ Okay I'm really curious to hear what makes you put BB at 1, yet TDK at 5? Not criticism, just genuinely interested. Is there a genuine gap for you or is it simply the other three squeeking in between?

Interesting to see First Class above Winter Soldier. Maybe better to ask in the DoFP threads, but what's your thoughts on DoFP so far?

Honestly X-men 1 could knock out Avengers for that 10th spot in mine. I think I'm gonna tie it like you. Completely different films but both signalling a new era for this genre.,
1. The Avengers
2. Iron Man
3. Thor
4. Cap TFA
5. Cap TWS
6. Thor 2
7. MOS
8. TDK
9. Spiderman 1
10. Iron Man 2
I'll join this one. Like everyone else, these are my personal favorites and not an objective take on the quality of each films.

1)Batman Returns (shut up it's my list)
2)The Dark Knight
3)Captain America: The Winter Soldier
5)Blade 2
6)The Dark Knight Rises
7)Man of Steel
9)Hellboy 2: The Golden Army
10)The Wolverine

*huge gap*

Man of Steel
Batman 89
Batman Begins

I was surprised that TDK didn't make the cut but I just don't love it as an overall movie as much as these others. Joker interrogation, yes. Truck chase, yes. A couple other scenes like Nurse Joker but I don't find it that interesting if it isn't one of those parts.
^ Okay I'm really curious to hear what makes you put BB at 1, yet TDK at 5? Not criticism, just genuinely interested. Is there a genuine gap for you or is it simply the other three squeeking in between?

Interesting to see First Class above Winter Soldier. Maybe better to ask in the DoFP threads, but what's your thoughts on DoFP so far?

Honestly X-men 1 could knock out Avengers for that 10th spot in mine. I think I'm gonna tie it like you. Completely different films but both signalling a new era for this genre.,
Begins was more refreshing, as the first live action Batman that really "got it" for me. And it doesn't get sidetracked into being something more than a comic movie. In my opinion, Nolan was a bit more grandiose with Dark Knight. Dark Knight is a deeper movie in many ways, and probably the best comic "film" made IMO, from the standpoint of being well constructed, thought provoking, and as far as films go, innovative and even important. But in terms of the pace, the development of the protagonist, the resolution of the conflict, and other intangible factors that just make watching a film a more rewarding experience, Begins wins out for me. . .plus, Scarecrow was always my favorite Bat-villain as a kid, and seeing him tag up with Ra's was so good.

I'm reserving judgment on DOFP. I love the original story, I like Singer in general, the costumes blow, the trailers are a mixed bag. . .so that's not too too much for me to base expectations on.

1)Batman Returns (shut up it's my list)

Blade 2 wouldn't be too far out of my top 10, either. I really enjoyed that one.
Okay there's a new DoFP clip and I urge everyone to watch it, I posted it in the designated thread. Fassbender really sounds like McKellon now and I LOVE it.

Begins was more refreshing, as the first live action Batman that really "got it" for me. And it doesn't get sidetracked into being something more than a comic movie. In my opinion, Nolan was a bit more grandiose with Dark Knight. Dark Knight is a deeper movie in many ways, and probably the best comic "film" made IMO, from the standpoint of being well constructed, thought provoking, and as far as films go, innovative and even important. But in terms of the pace, the development of the protagonist, the resolution of the conflict, and other intangible factors that just make watching a film a more rewarding experience, Begins wins out for me. . .plus, Scarecrow was always my favorite Bat-villain as a kid, and seeing him tag up with Ra's was so good.

Hm, that's a very good explanation imo. It's funny that that was actually my initial first response to the film coming out the first time. But I've really grown to love TDK for performances that you just don't see the first time underneath Heath's giant shadow, mainly Dent. I can really feel you on the pros of BB, it's a hard one for me. I'm almost inclined to say they're ties for me. But TDK has enough freakin fantastic Batman moments for me that ultimately BB can never truly surpass it, not even from purely a CB angle. BB does have my favorite all-time soundtrack.

Kinda interesting to me concerning our massive disagreement about man of steel but surprises like this are why I love conversing with other fans. Did not expect we'd agree so strongly on Batman.
Also, I did not take Phantasm into account because it's animated. Too incomparable to me. Otherwise it would've been in the top 5, most definitely.

@Khev, okay I'd really love to hear you about the fact that both TDKR and Man of Steel are so much higher than BB or TDK.
Murphy is a ****ing underrated actor man. Or underused anyway. I love him in Inception as well.

It has a cool aspect that he went in to audition for Batman and got the role of Scarecrow.
Blade 2 wouldn't be too far out of my top 10, either. I really enjoyed that one.

That was the hardest for me to place. I felt it was top 10, but just wasn't sure where it would land.

And what can i say. I saw Batman Returns at the right age, and it warped my little mind. My mom never even made a fuss about it, because she knew it the innuendo was going over my head. I know it is not the best film on my list, but it is my favorite. It is the go to Batman movie for me.
Murphy is a ****ing underrated actor man. Or underused anyway. I love him in Inception as well.

It has a cool aspect that he went in to audition for Batman and got the role of Scarecrow.

His audition as Bruce was the best of the bunch. His Batman was kind of understated, and you can see he wasn't quite sure what to do with it. But he nails Bruce. I loved him in Sunshine and Red Eye. I wish he would get bigger roles. Would love to see him back in a comic movie with either company.