Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier (SPOILERS)

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Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

The helmet was, the rest was fine.

It's the actor that was too soft and skinny.

But he can sure act, so whatever. :lol

I think the costume made him look bulkier in the first movie, and so I'd say it was more successful. Hire a good actor and let the costume fill in the gaps.
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

Was there today, the Cap footage was awesome, and the elevator scene was really cool. You wouldn't think ten guys could fight in a glass elevator but they did.

Here is a description from what I remember, in case anyone hasn't posted it yet.

Basically Cap gets into an elevator with a couple of guys. He's in uniform, no helmet, and carrying his shield. They stop a couple of times and each time, 2-3 more guys get in. As this is happening, Cap is observing people and noticing things. One guys is sweating. Another guy is gripping his briefcase unusually hard.

The elevator stops, and Cap says "Before we get started, does anyone want to get off?" A fight ensues, won't get into the details of that. After he's kicked everyone's a$$, and they're all lying in a heap on the floor of the elevator, they cut to an overhead shot of him standing in the middle, with all of the bad guys lying around him. His shield is lying on the floor face down.

With one foot, he kicks down on one edge of the shield, it flips up toward him, and his hand goes right through the straps and he's holding the shield.

Awesome scene although I was a little surprised at Cap's initial comment. A little arrogant for him?
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

Was there today, the Cap footage was awesome, and the elevator scene was really cool. You wouldn't think ten guys could fight in a glass elevator but they did.

Here is a description from what I remember, in case anyone hasn't posted it yet.

Basically Cap gets into an elevator with a couple of guys. He's in uniform, no helmet, and carrying his shield. They stop a couple of times and each time, 2-3 more guys get in. As this is happening, Cap is observing people and noticing things. One guys is sweating. Another guy is gripping his briefcase unusually hard.

The elevator stops, and Cap says "Before we get started, does anyone want to get off?" A fight ensues, won't get into the details of that. After he's kicked everyone's a$$, and they're all lying in a heap on the floor of the elevator, they cut to an overhead shot of him standing in the middle, with all of the bad guys lying around him. His shield is lying on the floor face down.

With one foot, he kicks down on one edge of the shield, it flips up toward him, and his hand goes right through the straps and he's holding the shield.

Awesome scene although I was a little surprised at Cap's initial comment. A little arrogant for him?

Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios and the film's producer, says fans looking for clues to the new "The Avengers" sequel should not miss the "Captain America" sequel.

The film, "much more than 'Iron Man 3' or 'Thor: The Dark World', is connected and the linchpin between 'Avengers' 1 and 'Avengers' 2," he said. "The events of 'Avengers' play directly into the events of 'Winter Soldier,' primarily in the fact that Cap is now in the modern day working with SHIELD, working with Nick Fury, working with Black Widow in a very good way. And the events of that movie will have a direct repercussion on the events of 'Avengers' 2."
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

My guess Winter Soldier is trying to steal Jarvis for Ultron.

I'm 101% wrong of course, but sounds like fun. :lol

The videos are up for the Cap panel, with Evans, Scarjo, SLJ and everyone else other than RR.
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

My guess Winter Soldier is trying to steal Jarvis for Ultron.

I'm 101% wrong of course, but sounds like fun. :lol

The videos are up for the Cap panel, with Evans, Scarjo, SLJ and everyone else other than RR.

Jarvis probably turned heel after Stark done blowed up all the armors. He could be the Marvel version of Brother Eye. Then again no. :(
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

That First Avenger's costume is different than the original.

The red stripe down the middle is the first obvious difference. Looks awesome! I'm sure we'll see it redone!

I like the SHIELD/Super Soldier suit more than I thought I would. It looks awesome here.
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

The Greenjye Gold Tooth of Power is the new Cosmic Cube in the next film to create Ultron from the newest robot Jyevis not Jarvis
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

It's strange that they are trying to be so mysterious about Emily's character (even the press were asking her about her character "Kate" at Comic Con) but Kevin Feige introduced her as Sharon Carter for the panel :lol

She kept mentioning this was just the beginning for her character, so I really hope she has a bigger role in Avengers 2 and in future Marvel films
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios and the film's producer, says fans looking for clues to the new "The Avengers" sequel should not miss the "Captain America" sequel.

The film, "much more than 'Iron Man 3' or 'Thor: The Dark World', is connected and the linchpin between 'Avengers' 1 and 'Avengers' 2," he said. "The events of 'Avengers' play directly into the events of 'Winter Soldier,' primarily in the fact that Cap is now in the modern day working with SHIELD, working with Nick Fury, working with Black Widow in a very good way. And the events of that movie will have a direct repercussion on the events of 'Avengers' 2."

This is what I like to hear!
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

I have a feeling Cap is gonna cut himself off of SHIElD. This is going to be a spy film after all. I wouldn't be surprised if he feels betrayed and goes off on his own.
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

I have a feeling Cap is gonna cut himself off of SHIElD. This is going to be a spy film after all. I wouldn't be surprised if he feels betrayed and goes off on his own.

Yeah, from the synopsis, I could see Cap getting fed up with SHIELD's ways and going lone wolf by the end of it.
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

Crossbones is supposed to be in this, but I don't believe he was shown at all in the footage. IMO the best shot of the footage was the very end where
they showed a new helicarrier taking off, #42 (wasn't the one in the Avengers #64?). A few other things shown, and then that helicarrier going down in flames, and slamming hard into the ground. Then they show a shot of the top 1/3 of Cap's shield. Then a hand comes down from the top of the screen, a silver, metal hand, and lifts the shield. The camera pans up the rest of Winter Soldier's body and then looking up at him you see his face, black painted around his eyes (no mask) and he looks ahead, over the camera. That was an awesome shot.
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

Crossbones is supposed to be in this, but I don't believe he was shown at all in the footage. IMO the best shot of the footage was the very end where
they showed a new helicarrier taking off, #42 (wasn't the one in the Avengers #64?). A few other things shown, and then that helicarrier going down in flames, and slamming hard into the ground. Then they show a shot of the top 1/3 of Cap's shield. Then a hand comes down from the top of the screen, a silver, metal hand, and lifts the shield. The camera pans up the rest of Winter Soldier's body and then looking up at him you see his face, black painted around his eyes (no mask) and he looks ahead, over the camera. That was an awesome shot.

Nice. :clap

You've had the best descriptions from the show for all the movies. :hi5:
Re: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier

Crossbones is supposed to be in this, but I don't believe he was shown at all in the footage. IMO the best shot of the footage was the very end where
they showed a new helicarrier taking off, #42 (wasn't the one in the Avengers #64?). A few other things shown, and then that helicarrier going down in flames, and slamming hard into the ground. Then they show a shot of the top 1/3 of Cap's shield. Then a hand comes down from the top of the screen, a silver, metal hand, and lifts the shield. The camera pans up the rest of Winter Soldier's body and then looking up at him you see his face, black painted around his eyes (no mask) and he looks ahead, over the camera. That was an awesome shot.

He was the last guy to enter the elevator in the teaser according to several accounts I read along with a couple interviews with Frank Grillo that say we might not see him become Crossbones in this movie. So if you hoped to see him in the Crossbones gear, you might want to prepare yourself for disappointment.