Captain America Civil War: Figure Discussion

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So I assume he'll wear his original suit... till the final battle where he takes on the Mark II which is Giant Man.

I don't think so. As was mentioned before, he doesn't need separate suits to become Ant-Man or Giant-Man. He's likely just in the Mark II from the start.

He was already fiddling around with the Ant-Man suit and making unauthorized modifications in the first movie.
Well I know his original suit can grow back to normal size... would it be capable of growing GIANT though?
I'm saying he's probably just gonna be in the new suit from the start. There's no reason in having one suit that can shrink and using the second one just for growing if he has a suit that can do both (Mark II).
I'm saying he's probably just gonna be in the new suit from the start. There's no reason in having one suit that can shrink and using the second one just for growing if he has a suit that can do both (Mark II).


Can you imagine?

"Oh wait, wrong suit guys! I need to change real quick! Don't start fighting without me!"


Can you imagine?

"Oh wait, wrong suit guys! I need to change real quick! Don't start fighting without me!"


And then it cuts to this scene
I can't believe that the, arguably, most serious character in the entire MCU (Winter Soldier) will be on the same team as Scott Lang.

We have an assassin and a guy who's a class clown. Are there any two characters in the entire MCU that are polar opposites?:lol
I can't believe that the, arguably, most serious character in the entire MCU (Winter Soldier) will be on the same team as Scott Lang.

We have an assassin and a guy who's a class clown. Are there any two characters in the entire MCU that are polar opposites?:lol

I hope we get something super hilarious out of it :lol
Good thing it was previously leaked about Ant-Man, with all the GM drops in the last 2 pages. :(

Anyways, I think I may have found out why we haven't seen hide-nor-hair of Spidey yet:


Tom Holland's Spider-Man is set to make his Marvel Cinematic Universe debut in Captain America: Civil War, but we haven't seen him appear in trailers and other marketing content. Ever since Marvel, via Disney, made a deal with Sony to Peter Parker and his alter ego in the movies, fans have been waiting for the web-crawler to appear.

It turns out that Sony is the real reason for Spidey's absence since Sony was unwilling to cede any rights to using Spider-Man in advertising. Because of this, we have no idea how the Russo brothers are going to present Spider-Man in Civil War.

In a recent Q&A with Collider, Anthony and Joe Russo revealed that studio politics are the real reason we haven’t seen Tom Holland in his Spider-Man costume yet.

“Part of the reasons of what was so secretive was that the deals were always lagging slightly behind how we were using the character” said the directors. “We were always in danger of upsetting the deal—there were still sensitive issues going on between the two studios that they needed to agree on. When we were casting Tom Holland, when we were screen-testing him for the movie there was a whole very involved kind of process that was under the radar and secretive, because of the fact that it was still a sensitive business issue.” They went on to highlight why they can’t discuss Spidey’s costume: “The reason why we still won’t talk about [the costume] is that Marvel and Sony still have to work out what uses they have for the character, on a promotional level, on a commercial level. There’s still complications as far as that goes that involves business deals.”

How anyone got "Sony unwilling" from that quote is beyond me. All they said was that Marvel and Sony where still working on the details of the deal while the promo art and production art was being done and that they where still going over some of the process and details so to make sure they didn't rock the boat they said they refrained from any potential talk or leaks. At no point did they say that Sony refused to allow anything to be used.

People. Just making things up to get a better story.
How anyone got "Sony unwilling" from that quote is beyond me. All they said was that Marvel and Sony where still working on the details of the deal while the promo art and production art was being done and that they where still going over some of the process and details so to make sure they didn't rock the boat they said they refrained from any potential talk or leaks. At no point did they say that Sony refused to allow anything to be used.

People. Just making things up to get a better story.

I agree. What benefit would Sony gain from saying don't show him. None.
If hot toys does a Black Panther figure. Do you think he'll have a different suit in his solo movie?