Captain America Civil War: Figure Discussion

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The budget alone for these actors must be extraordinary, maybe the contracts kept it reasonable but I bet it's not cheap. Maybe a movie % is the way to go that way everybody wins if the movie soars. I wonder if we will see any Avengers side with Thanos?

I don't think any will side with Thanos. He is going to be Hell bent on being the most powerful being in the universe, and he is going to be willing to do anything to achieve his goal. I just don't believe any of the Avengers are going to be eager to see or willing to help him succeed.
Thing is, Im thinking that Marvel Studios is literally trying to bring the comic book reading experience to the big screen. Tons of heroes pop up in solo titles like that all the time so I think that's what they're going for. I think they're just trying to train people that these guys can now just appear in most of the movies if need be. I just think they're just gonna have to start making more Avengers movie's or just call the movies by the story titles or something. I hope that makes sense. "But why didn't Thor call anyone in TDW" I think Marvel Studios at the time still wanted to keep the Phase 2 movies as more of solo stories since the Avengers weren't as established in the world yet at that point in time. I think we're now at a point in the MCU timeline that we can NOW have more and more heroes just pop up in each others stories and I think that's what we're getting here. It's just at that point now is all. I don't think it's overcrowded anymore. As long as the movie is written, directed, and just executed excellently overall, I think we'll be in good hands. I mean...if people think this is an overcrowded movie, just wait till see see the Infinity War cast. And I honestly absolutely think the more heroes the better. I can't WAIT to see **** like this on the big screen eventually.




Oh man, talk about visual overload! LOL Then again, Mad Max: Fury Road did have a lot going on, but the story still centered around Furiosa, Max and Immortan Joe.

I do look forward to yet another Black Widow figure with this movie :) Looks like Scarlet has changed her hair yet again ;)
Part of it is not just the story progression leading to the abundance of characters but marvel is also trying to speed things up story wise. They know several of these actors have publicly, and privately, stated the want out or to move on. So they are trying to wrap stories up and also introduce (we call it a soft intro) the new characters at the same time as older ones to gauge that interest level to know who will work as tent poles later on. Almost all of the original actors are on less then 2 picture deals. So they have limited time with some of them. And this could not come at a worst time for them. Becuase of the DCU starting up and even other movies looking to build out the universe themes. I've heard that if genysis does well they want to do some spin offs with it and follow the marvel mold. Bond has that idea in the pipeline too. As do a few other franchises. (Universal and furious...Star Wars...alien) so there's a lot of direct competion in the pipe line that marvel has not had to face for a long time.

Thats awesome :clap Love the character and the actor, he's gonna be great in this :yess:

I'm undecided on Crossbones's look. Given he has a full mask, I was hoping they'd have someone more physically imposing in the outfit and just have Grillo do the voice. But then again I don't really know the full Crossbones back story. If they didn't do anything to juice him up after his injuries, I guess that wouldn't make much sense. I suppose he'd need a super soldier cocktail like Cap for that to happen...
I need Crossbones on my shelf. Great actor playing a great character, and now he has a great outfit too.

For any other Grillo fans out there, he was the lead in The Purge: Anarchy last year and the guy has buckets of leading man charisma.
I need Crossbones on my shelf. Great actor playing a great character, and now he has a great outfit too.

For any other Grillo fans out there, he was the lead in The Purge: Anarchy last year and the guy has buckets of leading man charisma.

He has such a great personality. Everyone should follow him on social media :lol
Based on the arts above there were TONS of characters on each side. However, we haven't seen or been exposed to half of them in the Marvel cinematic universe yet. So this Civil war I fear might be a bit lame unless they throw in all new characters never shown in MCU. Otherwise we will have Spider Man, Captain America, Falcon and maybe BW with Capt and then IM with WM and who else? lol that's not too POW for the actual magnitude of Civil War in the comics.
Based on the arts above there were TONS of characters on each side. However, we haven't seen or been exposed to half of them in the Marvel cinematic universe yet. So this Civil war I fear might be a bit lame unless they throw in all new characters never shown in MCU. Otherwise we will have Spider Man, Captain America, Falcon and maybe BW with Capt and then IM with WM and who else? lol that's not too POW for the actual magnitude of Civil War in the comics.

Go back about ten pages and look at the cast list posted. This movie will have everyone from aou (except maybe banner) plus half a dozen new characters.

Edit-Captain America: Civil War is shaping up to be a huge Avengers reunion!

Chris Evans will return as iconic Super Hero character Steve Rogers/Captain America along with Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man, Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier, Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson/Falcon, Paul Bettany as The Vision, Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton/Hawkeye, Don Cheadle as Jim Rhodes/War Machine and Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch.

Paul Rudd will make his first appearance alongside the Avengers as Scott Lang/Ant-Man, along with Chadwick Boseman as T’Challa/Black Panther, Emily VanCamp as Sharon Carter/Agent 13, Daniel Brühl, Frank Grillo as Brock Rumlow/Crossbones, William Hurt as General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross and Martin Freeman as an unknown character.
Cap didn't let him do anything. Bucky beat the tar out of him becuase he stopped fighting(plus was shot a few times) and when the carrier crashed cap nearly drowned but bucky pulled him up and just walked away...later cap and falcon said they where going looking for him
Based on the arts above there were TONS of characters on each side. However, we haven't seen or been exposed to half of them in the Marvel cinematic universe yet. So this Civil war I fear might be a bit lame unless they throw in all new characters never shown in MCU. Otherwise we will have Spider Man, Captain America, Falcon and maybe BW with Capt and then IM with WM and who else? lol that's not too POW for the actual magnitude of Civil War in the comics.

I don't believe the movie will be lame. There will be plenty of characters in the movie to keep it exciting, and I believe it will be close to the same magnitude of the comic.
I'm trying to remember. What was Scarlet Witch wearing at the end with the New Avengers? I can't remember if she had a uniform that we might see in the next film, or if she was still in her skirt.

I'd hate to buy the AoU look when she will have a more official costume in future movies.