Captain America Civil War: Figure Discussion

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The Natasha and Bruce relationship was terrible.

They should've linked her up with Bucky or Hawkeye if anyone. I'm also OK with her being a longer assassin.
It would make more sense than Hawkeye randomly having a fam on a farm. Maybe when he retires, but already?

I was really hoping if they didn't link him up with Natasha in the films, he would've been with Bobbi Morse/Mockingbird from Agents of SHIELD and she should transition to the films. Alas, that never happened :(
It would make more sense than Hawkeye randomly having a fam on a farm. Maybe when he retires, but already?

I was really hoping if they didn't link him up with Natasha in the films, he would've been with Bobbi Morse/Mockingbird from Agents of SHIELD and she should transition to the films. Alas, that never happened :(
Thats what I wanted to, and I did get excited when she came into AOS, I also thought that Clint would appear on AOS in an episode. I think Adrianne Palicki is a great actress who could transition well to the movies too. I'd much prefer Clint+Bobbi and then we could have Nat+Bucky and be happy :lol
I hated it when I saw it in the theaters, and I still hate it even when watching the bluray. I have to fast forward everytime on every widow and banner scene. It's one of the worst romance I've seen on screen...really puke inducing. So forced. They had no chemistry together and it just felt like two actors reading their lovey Dovey lines. It did not look natural at all.

It's funny cause Jeremy renner and Chris Evans got in trouble when in an interview, renner said widow is a slut.
But that's basically what her character has been portrayed.
I thought there was really good chemistry with her and Evans in tws. So they should have at least played on with that with them having a little fling in aou.
Or yes, have no romance at all until she she really gets to meet the true Bucky in cap 3.
It would make more sense than Hawkeye randomly having a fam on a farm. Maybe when he retires, but already?

I was really hoping if they didn't link him up with Natasha in the films, he would've been with Bobbi Morse/Mockingbird from Agents of SHIELD and she should transition to the films. Alas, that never happened :(

They should ****ing kill Hunter and Clint's family and get Bobbi with Clint but at this point, I'd be glad if they at least shared a scene and the screen together and had some sort of moment. But Bucky/Nat all the way!
Yea that banner and Natasha romance came out of bum **** nowhere. Like I didn't get it. Give me Betty Ross back. Seriously how can Bruce ever forget her.
Yea that banner and Natasha romance came out of bum **** nowhere. Like I didn't get it. Give me Betty Ross back. Seriously how can Bruce ever forget her.

Well, I said this already in another thread but Joss said in the commentary that he basically put Nat and Bruce together because Scar Jo and Mark Ruffalo was his fancast for this couple in one of his favorite 50's or 50's movie that he REALLY REALLY wants to remake but couldn't do it so he just shoved that relationship into Age of Ultron.
Yeah, I wasn't really a fan of the Banner-Romanoff relationship either. Definitely felt forced. Wasn't enough to ruin the movie for me though.

The only scene of it that I don't mind, is the bar scene at Stark's party where Romanoff is the barkeep and Banner is talking to her. To me, that didn't really feel so much like they were already in a serious relationship, but simply Romanoff flirting with him (like with Steve in TWS) and Banner being somewhat naive about it.

The whole "lullaby" thing though and the shower scene, I didn't particularly care for. The way they spoke made it sound like they had been in a committed relationship for a couple of years already and were looking to settle down together. I suppose with the "lullaby" gag though, they needed a way to show that the team had evolved and figured out a way to calm Banner down at any given moment.
What a dumb, moronic reasoning :lol Not going to miss him one bit :wave

I think the Russo bros have delivered way better Marvel films than he has

I think they will nail the romantic chemistry with Sharon and Cap this go around, it looks like she has a way bigger role and it's probably because they are focusing on her romance with Cap
I'm in agreement with everyone else...the Hulk/Widow relationship was forced and stupid. The scene at Stark's party and the scene involving Banner's rescue of Widow from Strucker's castle were fine, and the lullaby was tolerable. I thought the rest of their scenes together were nauseating, especially the ones at Barton's house.
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Yea that banner and Natasha romance came out of bum **** nowhere. Like I didn't get it. Give me Betty Ross back. Seriously how can Bruce ever forget her.

Well... He did name the HB module Veronica. No one else caught the Archie reference? :lol

And in all honesty I am very thankful we got Joss Whedon for the Avengers films, he was perfect for the first film and I'll always be grateful for that.
Well... He did name the HB module Veronica. No one else caught the Archie reference? :lol

And in all honesty I am very thankful we got Joss Whedon for the Avengers films, he was perfect for the first film and I'll always be grateful for that.

I'm in you on this. I just think that Joss should'n't have written and directed the movie by himself. I think that's what hurt it. The first Avengers movie was pretty much already written and Joss looked over it and added his Whedonisms as well as some scenes that included Jan Van Dyne but scrapped those bits to do Edgar.

I actually made my own cut of Age of Ultron without the bar scene, as well as the scene in the house with Bruce and Nat, and cut out the scene with that kiss before he turned at the end and i'm working on a cut that adds the extended Thor scene which I think works so so SO much much better than what we got in the final cut. But all in all, I think the first cut I made makes Nat and Bruce just seem more like buddies like how Steve and Nat were in TWS. I took the kiss scene out since you already had the bit with Bruce breaking Nat out so it just skips to Hulk jumping onto the floating Sokovia bit. You could basically just put together that right after he broke her out, Bruce just Hulked out with Nat and joined the fight.
Juggling that many characters/storylines is a difficult mess, and I think Joss did a great job with the two Avengers films (especially the first one). The Russos have a difficult task ahead with Infinity War, and I wonder if all the praise for them now (based on only one movie thus far) will still be there in 4 years' time. :lecture (or if people will start wishing Joss were writing/directing instead :lol)
Juggling that many characters/storylines is a difficult mess, and I think Joss did a great job with the two Avengers films (especially the first one). The Russos have a difficult task ahead with Infinity War, and I wonder if all the praise for them now (based on only one movie thus far) will still be there in 4 years' time. :lecture (or if people will start wishing Joss were writing/directing instead :lol)

Personally I don't think Whedon did as good a job on AOU as he did with the first Avengers. It was still very very good but it was a choppy mess at times. I don't like how Ultron was portrayed(mostly just that he was underpowered and did stuff that made no sense) and I didnt like how Widow was written.
I really really like the The Winter Soldier, but I need to see another Russo Bro's movie before being sold on them. They also directed the paintball episodes of Community in S2 of that show, I thought they were brilliant :lol
I'm confident I'll enjoy all future MCU movies regardless of Director :D