Captain America: Civil War (May 6, 2016)

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Would Captain America really aid and abet a killer and fugitive even if it's his friend? Just doesn't seem like he would take this stance to protect Bucky who almost killed Fury and has killed countless other people
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Caps friend Bucky didn't kill anyone it was a programmed assassin named Winter Soldier. Caps moral obligation is to prove his friend (Bucky) innocence. Keeping it comic book light sure I'll believe it :lol
I can't be the only one who was (pleasantly) surprised to see how Tony is actually being depicted more sympathetically compared to how some people initially projected this. You'd think that the last scene in this trailer would be some awesome macho fight between Steve and Tony but no, instead you get Tony being brutally beaten down by Steve and Bucky.
It feels like the real Tony Stark is back so I can relax and forget about the stupidity of IM3/AoU. :lol

I think this looks great. Same tone and vibes as Winter Soldier, which I loved. Who doesn't like seeing Stark get wrecked by Cap and Bucky? I'm excited for this one, especially if there aren't any alien invasions, nukes or apocalyptic meteorites.
I thought the trailer was awesome. I'm curious what role if any Nick Fury will play. When Thunderbolt Ross talks about them requiring oversight, I could see them cutting to Sam Jackson saying "What am I, chopped liver?".
It sure looks like it. Not only is there the scene where he's trying to grab Tony's, but if you look at the still of Tony holding Rhodey, it looks like his arc reactor has been ripped out of his chest.

Man that is so awesome! What better way to shut them down.

Caps friend Bucky didn't kill anyone it was a programmed assassin named Winter Soldier. Caps moral obligation is to prove his friend (Bucky) innocence. Keeping it comic book light sure I'll believe it :lol

I can dig it.. it immediately made me see Cap and Bucky as being the trouble makers and Iron Man as the good guy though.
I think this trailer hits all the right notes. This is a first trailer more than five months out and it clocks in at over 2:00. Not a :30 logo tease like some studios give. That's five more months of work, CGI and polishing. Sure most of the shots are intimate and focused on storytelling, because the big set pieces are still cooking. Costumes are looking good but hope they continue to evolve up to IW, especially Scarlet Witch and Falcon. Ant Man and Vision will probably show up in the next trailer. I heard a rumor about a bigger War Machine armor as well as Red Hulk. And I'm probably the only person hoping Quicksilver is resurrected. Looking forward to this movie. I think Batman vs. Superman will still outperform (unless the Red Hulk rumors are true), but this should do great.
That trailer was sick

It's funny how they keep messing with Widow's hair. It's like whenever there's an Avengers film she has it short, any other film she has it long :dunno

I'm just glad Cap will have the suit on for most of the film unlike TWS
Fantastic trailer.

The russo's should direct every marvel flick, the winter soldier puts the rest to shame, and it looks like this will too.
Watching it a 2nd time, the thing I love about it is it feels like a sequel to Winter Soldier, not Age of Ultron.