Thanks, but it's not my first rodeo. But, yeah I totally get why the allfather needs to go into the odinsleep every now and then.
Who will win the box office this or B vs S
Who will win the box office this or B vs S
Who will win the box office this or B vs S
Think BvS will edge it purely because it's Batman and Superman. To the average person, those characters are a far bigger deal than anyone in Civil War. Together onscreen for the first time, as well. Will be surprised if CW makes more.
To the average American yes, but Superman doesn't have a mass appeal overseas like Batman does. And foreigners, generally speaking, care a lot more about the actor than the character. I don't doubt that BvS has a great shot of beating CW in domestic BO (as long as the reviews aren't horrible), but for global? I'm still leaning 55/45 towards CW here, but as you said, there are factors that give BvS a solid chance of winning out.
I'm English, and was speaking worldwide. It's going to be interesting, definitely!
PLUS, how can we forget, CW has Spider-Man! Character with massive global appeal. Granted he's in a small role but still, that's gotta count for something.
Until the Spidey reveal, I thought Batman V. Supes would win in the financial department, even if the movie was worse critically (and I assumed it would be). But now. . .eveything that made Marvel Universe movies succeed before, PLUS ****ing Spider-Man??Russo's no longer worried about BvS.![]()