Captain America: Civil War (May 6, 2016)

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And to comment on the "no one died" argument. Rhodey's fall essentially symbolized Goliath's death. It was the moment that the conflict shifted from a disagreement among friends to a war with real, life-changing consequences.

If the same point can be proved without having to off a character, why kill him?

I've seen people on here call it toothless. I'd say "killing" a character that NO ONE believes is dead is even more toothless. Almost as if to say, "ohh yeah, we took the movie there, deep stuff huh?" but everyone KNOWS you have the emergency chute ready to deploy. Superman's "death" and American Sniper funeral ending was a "oh brother, give me a break" moment for me that was just there so they could say they were faithful to the comic.

Right on. Plus, this paves the way for Cyborg War Machine, like in Dark Reign. You know, rumor had it that Keaton was up for Osborn, but he didn't want to be tied down with a multi-picture deal. Taking that into acount, plus the fact that Post-IW we know nothing about the state of the Avengers, I think it's very possible that we'll be seeing Dark Reign as Phase 4. As a huuuuuuuge Dark Reign fan, this would make me extremely happy...

Anyway, death in comics is always moot, since it's never permanent. But to say that CW is "toothless", while BvS is "brave" for killing Superman and then ressurecting him 10 minutes later makes no sense to me. But eh, opinions vary, who gives a crap?

CONSPIR-uh, sorry...
Why do people need someone to die so desperately? We just had someone die in age of ultron. Clearly the heroes had no desire to really kill each other (except for Panther--whom would have succeeded in killing Bucky if not for other people jumping in a few times) until the very end.

Do people really want to see the avengers take on Thanos without Cap or RDJ?

Come on people. The movie relied on acting, action and a strong plot and not using a character's death as bait to add to the weight of the film. It stood tall without it.

Fantastic film.

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I never said I wanted a straight up adaptation and thank you for your comic book history / background. I get were you are coming but my main issue was the shifting of blame and the length that characters were will to achieve there goals if it ment plating dirty or making alliences with enemies none of the was done rather they were manipulated in to these situations by a grand master . It's it keeping with the MCU movie tome and story telling which is what you would expect. I just would have preferred that they went a different route one that is not so easily wrapped up with a letter .

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Why do people need someone to die so desperately? We just had someone die in age of ultron. Clearly the heroes had no desire to really kill each other (except for Panther--whom would have succeeded in killing Bucky if not for other people jumping in a few times) until the very end.

Do people really want to see the avengers take on Thanos without Cap or RDJ?

Come on people. The movie relied on acting, action and a strong plot and not using a character's death as bait to add to the weight of the film. It stood tall without it.

Fantastic film.

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We obviously need characters to die in a movie for it to be "mature". The Avengers being fugitives, Tony being all alone, Wakand having a major shift, nah, these aren't real developments. Cap should've died, just like in the comic! What? You mean Cap didn't die in CW and that was already predetermined? Well, uh, it was not emotional, ha! I gotcha there!
Any death really would have brought nothing to the film.

I wonder if those complaining about the lack of a death appreciated Age of Ultron more because Quicksilver died?
*Checks box office $181 million still aint bad.

He didn't say $180 was bad at all. Again, listen to what he actually said before posting comments. He talks about the general audience and the symbiotic relationship WB and Disney have and how they affect one another and how both studios want and need each other to do well :)
He's right about the effects of BVS on CW.

I didn't listen to it, truth be told. I don't really have the time for podcasts. I was just referencing this whole "Disney is paying off critics!" thing from a while back. Kudos for finding this though!

I never said I wanted a straight up adaptation and thank you for your comic book history / background. I get were you are coming but my main issue was the shifting of blame and the length that characters were will to achieve there goals if it ment plating dirty or making alliences with enemies none of the was done rather they were manipulated in to these situations by a grand master . It's it keeping with the MCU movie tome and story telling which is what you would expect. I just would have preferred that they went a different route one that is not so easily wrapped up with a letter .

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Even in the main book, the characters were mnipulated by outside forces. And besides, the MCU doesn't any villains that can be used like that. What you're asking just isn't possible at this stage. Movies and comics aren't the same. Marvel ships around 80 titles per month. The MCU releases 2 or 3 movies per year. You can't possibly establish that many characters in order to provide the filmmakers with such a big pool. If CW came out later, then it'd have been hypocritical to wait so long to tackle the issue of collateral damage. Now was the right time.

And besides, the only thing "lost" were stuff that happened outside of the main book. The T-Bolts had their own book. Cap died in his own book. Spider-Man's arc was mostly explored in his own book. Tony's dillemas were explored in his own book. The main event just covered the basics and the fights. What you're asking for is a mix of the "heavy" moments that had little to nothing to do with the main storyline.
Any death really would have brought nothing to the film.

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You really think so? I think any of the four deaths would be impactful to the MCU (especially if they didn't resurrect the character later)

- War Machine (for Tony man pain)
- Tony Stark
- Bucky (for Cap man pain)
- Captain America

Other characters whose death could've had an impact are Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch or Widow, IMO. Not as big as the other four, save for Widow.

I think Hawkeye will be the first to bite the dust by Thanos. I don't think he's going to make it out alive of IW. He'll probably save Wanda from death or something.
Especially if said character was going to be somehow resurrected some floating rocks over the casket.

This movie proved how each of these actors have truly grown into their on-screen counterparts. Evans and Downey brought their A-game (as needed for this film to hit), but characters like Falcon and War Machine were really written in memorable ways. I consider both Mackie and Cheadle to be strong actors but their characters were really written more favorably this time. Vision and Ant-Man followed up with the great momentum they had in the last films. Everybody delivered. More impressive still that Boseman and Holland looked so natural so quickly since it has taken some of these experienced actors to really get traction. Hell, even Evans feels like a more commanding presence since Winter Soldier than any film before it.

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You really think so? I think any of the four deaths would be impactful to the MCU (especially if they didn't resurrect the character later)

- War Machine (for Tony man pain)
- Tony Stark
- Bucky (for Cap man pain)
- Captain America

Other characters whose death could've had an impact are Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch or Widow, IMO. Not as big as the other four, save for Widow.

I think Hawkeye will be the first to bite the dust by Thanos. I don't think he's going to make it out alive of IW. He'll probably save Wanda from death or something.

Kill them and they'll either be brought straight back or left out of future films.

Neither is better than just leaving them alive. I just don't understand this 'need' for death.
Um, there was plenty of death. In this movie. Crossbones? All of the innocent collaterals from initial battle scene? I feel like some fanboys are just being fanboys and complaining to complain.

The aftermath of the movie was heavy enough!