Statue Captain America Lifesize Bust..Link to buy in 1st post !!.

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I was just looking at this on the SS website... I really want this and the Thor one(I'll get that one first due to it's 350 ES) I'm a little scared to get into the 1:1 game due to space concerns. I have yet to see a 1:1 in person but I can imagine it's very impressive
I was just looking at this on the SS website... I really want this and the Thor one(I'll get that one first due to it's 350 ES) I'm a little scared to get into the 1:1 game due to space concerns. I have yet to see a 1:1 in person but I can imagine it's very impressive

Thor is awesome so is Wolverine. Not sure how much you want to get into this line but I'd try to snag Wolverine before the prices go up. Then get Thor. I'm all about 1:1 line but the LE 1000 for Cap is making me wanna pass on him. He should of been the same as Thor and Wolverine.
I was just looking at this on the SS website... I really want this and the Thor one(I'll get that one first due to it's 350 ES) I'm a little scared to get into the 1:1 game due to space concerns. I have yet to see a 1:1 in person but I can imagine it's very impressive

Im a lifesize bust collector and i must admit..these pieces do take up alot space but they do bring a museum quality presence in a room and draw alot attention when ppl come over
I'm going to get Thor flexed this weekend... It just looks to impressive to pass up. Cap will follow! I would like a hulk also but I don't like the one that's out. I would
Love to see some villans Dr doom/magneto/Loki. I'm thinking of display pedestals right now to put them on but I might want something more secure
So Cap was listed as coming in 30 days right? Any word on when processing begins? I have mine flexed but I want to pay it off once he starts shipping. I'm really excited to get this piece.
Looking forward to some pics of this, Im really close to ordering him but as a die hard X Men fan the whole A vs X line right now is affecting my purchasing decisions. What will Cap do now?
is this based on the movie chris evans/captain america , or the comic. the PF says its from the movie. so i just want to clarify the liknest is supposed to be of
is this based on the movie chris evans/captain america , or the comic. the PF says its from the movie. so i just want to clarify the liknest is supposed to be of

This looks much more like a comic version than Chris Evans imo.