Premium Format Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Coming Soon

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Haha. I sure hope so. If it doesn't happen by shipping date I will just cancel it. Not worth possibly getting a return.

Have you got your heart set on the EX bud? Or would you be satisfied with the Reg if that's what it came to? I still think reg is just as good...
Have you got your heart set on the EX bud? Or would you be satisfied with the Reg if that's what it came to? I still think reg is just as good...

I'd really be happy with either. Because I don't plan on displaying it with the machine gun that much anyways. It would just be nice to have the ex with the smaller ES if I ever have to sell it. (Which I'm never planing on doing, but just incase).

Either or, I'm definitely getting him, reg or ex.

If I had money, I would definitely get this, the WS pf if one comes, and black widow from GG. Would make an awesome set up. Kind of hope they do a falcon too, that'd be awesome! Although, hopefully he plays a bigger role in cap 3.
I'm really hoping that this statue impresses a lot of people. Enough to get them to cancel the Allied Charge cap PF. :pray:

Sorry mate not going to happen with me :p

I need Allied Charge Cap to go with Comic Black Widow PF.... As for WS Cap, I'm going to stick with GG version so it matches GG BW with the clear bases.
I would imagine this being a "concept design" would not result in a signficant change, at least in terms of the pose, much stinks in my opinion.

anyone want to bet on it :nana:

I won't bet on it changing. But I bet you it will look a lot better in 3d. With the 2d concept art he legs look all jumbled together. But I bet they will be wider apart and establish an awesome look.
So they didn't show anything but concept art yet people PO'd already...

I'm too old for this ****.
the Gentle Giant sculpt doesn't even look like Chris Evans

Over on SF they have several pictures of him from Winter Soldier Movie and even though it's not 100% accurate it's still pretty close IMO. I give SS 50/50 if their going to nail the likeness factor with Chris Evans. Some of their statues are right on others only have a vague resemblance like they sculpted their stunt double instead of the main actor :)