Premium Format Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Coming Soon

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TFA portrait is really good imo. GG effort just looks bad.

Are you guys talking about this portrait?


Because if your are I don't know what your guys are smoking this looks nothing like Chris Evans (well maybe if he was 50), it's way worse then GG ...
Are you guys talking about this portrait?


Because if your are I don't know what your guys are smoking this looks nothing like Chris Evans (well maybe if he was 50), it's way worse then GG ...

Wow. That close, it does look old. And the GG one looks baby faced and nothing like Evans...

Hot toys got that department locked down.
Are you guys talking about this portrait?


Because if your are I don't know what your guys are smoking this looks nothing like Chris Evans (well maybe if he was 50), it's way worse then GG ...

Wow. That close, it does look old. And the GG one looks baby faced and nothing like Evans...

Hot toys got that department locked down.

Have to agree with you guys...:exactly: the Sideshow TFA portrait isn't particularly very good...not the best likeness in my opinion hence why I'm pinning all my hopes on Sideshow getting it right with the Winter Soldier Chris Evans portrait :pray:
The issue with the GG piece is not so much the sculpt, but the porcelain, doll-like appearance they give to their statues. The paint apps just lack any kind of facial detail. If I'm going to spend $400 plus on a piece, I want it to look more realistic. I think Sideshow does a better job of capturing that in their statues. Although I do prefer GG's more stoic pose.
The helmet portrait is bang on, and the unmasked looks good as well. If you haven't seen it in hand you are missing an awesome piece. From the pics shown so far GG doesn't even come close to the level of the TFA PF.

I think the unmasked looks terrible. Not even close to Evans. The masked portrait is fine and the overal statue is nice and now also fitting for Winter Soldier (minus the missing center red stripe)
The helmet portrait is bang on, and the unmasked looks good as well. If you haven't seen it in hand you are missing an awesome piece. From the pics shown so far GG doesn't even come close to the level of the TFA PF.

How do you know? we haven't see GG in hand yet :p
I think the unmasked looks terrible. Not even close to Evans. The masked portrait is fine and the overal statue is nice and now also fitting for Winter Soldier (minus the missing center red stripe)

I don't agree, BUT that is just my opinion

How do you know? we haven't see GG in hand yet :p
I don't hence why I said "from the pictures".... It is always true that you should see a piece in person before you judge it.
Slightly off topic...but I just saw Cap WS and damn it was a good movie. Marvel has been on their A game...makes me hopefull for this statue to turn out good and (drool) a WS statue PLEASE....
Last three, IM3, The Wolverine & Thor 2, have left me very disappointed.
Hoping all the good things I've read about WS hold true.

SS WS is meant to be coming. Capt. is taking long enough so don't hold your breath.

wolverine is not a marvel film production.
Last three, IM3, The Wolverine & Thor 2, have left me very disappointed.
Hoping all the good things I've read about WS hold true.

SS WS is meant to be coming. Capt. is taking long enough so don't hold your breath.

Although I don't think every Marvel film has a complete home run I have to say I'm more than happy with the level of quality the films have been and the effort put into keeping the characters reasonably true to their comic roots.

Either way WS shouldn't disappoint you and it's Captain America at his finest. Personally I enjoyed this one better than the first which is rarely the case with sequels.

And it shows :lol

Oh yes it does...