Premium Format Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Coming Soon

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This is a very good film, not even close IM 3 or Wolverine IMO...
You liked I'm 3 and wolverine better? Or am I reading it wrong?

Let me clarify, Cap A 2 is much better in story wise and the action scene is very well choreograph :clap.... IM3 and Wolverine, not worth going to cinema n watch them.
all films with Marvel characters in them count towards the "Marvel Film Franchise". Spiderman, X-men, Fantastic Four, etc. I know this because Marvel just became the highest grossing film franchise of all time at 2.46 billion dollars. Captain america just helped it pass Harry potter at 2.39 billion.
all films with Marvel characters in them count towards the "Marvel Film Franchise". Spiderman, X-men, Fantastic Four, etc. I know this because Marvel just became the highest grossing film franchise of all time at 2.46 billion dollars. Captain america just helped it pass Harry potter at 2.39 billion.

Just got to see the film last night, fantastic!
Oh and....