I fixed your quote. When are you getting a shield for him? That will really pull him together nicely...and wings on the head...
I do like the new shoulder pads, they looks awesome. I still think shorting the Vader gloves a little bit would look better but that is just me.
Very nicely done!
Well in fact i already changed them
Found better shoulder pards (thanks to my friend Lord Vicious).
THose are clone trooper pads and imo they wor great and seems more integrated in the suit.
Alos just finished the head for HAWKEYE and i'm pretyy happy with the result so far.
It's a mix of leather and the mask is sculpted.
That looks really good with the new shoulder pads. Are you going to put the red circle with the white star on them? I think that would look even better. You're mixing the Ultimates Cap with the up coming movie Cap aren't you?
When you say you've sewn the suit onto the body what do you mean?
Nice Hawkeye. Guess you're hoping Nicholas Cage plays Hawkeye huh...Here's a question for you. How do you get those seams on to look like that on mask? I've been trying to figure it out forever and I can't figure it out. Do you sew it a different way or what?