Captain Antilles is the next 12" Star Wars figure

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Yeah, they usualy do... but he's not a PPO, most likely will just go up with tonights newsletter. I'm still not sold on owning a Captain Antilles, definitely like the variety, but he's a little too scene specific and kind of a meh character for me.

Definitely prefer the Fleet trooper as he's not as specific, yet you still get the same ANH feel.
Yeah, looks like it goes up tonight.

Looking to Pre-Order our next Star Wars 12-inch Figure? Be sure to log in and read our Newsletter on Thursday, September 18th, for the first opportunity to Pre-Order Captain Antilles! Our Newsletter is typically published between 6 and 7 PM (Pacific Time) each and every Thursday evening. And best of all, you don’t have to wait for it to hit your inbox - you can read it online AS SOON AS IT’S PUBLISHED by clicking on the ‘Newsletter Access’ sign-in box at the top of each webpage! Not a member of the Sideshow Collectibles Newsletter? What are you waiting for? Click the following link to sign up today!
With Troopers, Gandalf, Vader, Ki Adi, and BR Joker I am just not sure I will be picking this up. Too much going on.
Hope Captain Faramir sees this I know he always wanted an Antilles... another virtious figure for him to collect :monkey3
Hopefully the also announce someone worth a damn tonight as well.
:lecture like a hobbit.
i dont know if i'll get this one. i'll have to see him first. i do like OT characters though. and we could use some more rebels but why cant we get some of the x-wing pilots in their orange jumpsuits. and NOT luke. rather have wedge, or biggs, or porkins even.
I'll cancel Ki before I cancel Antilles. Almost anything OT trumps anything PT for me.

I tend to agree with that statement, but I do like Ki and he's more interesting to me than Antilles. Just having a hard time getting enthused for this figure.
:lecture like a hobbit.
i dont know if i'll get this one. i'll have to see him first. i do like OT characters though. and we could use some more rebels but why cant we get some of the x-wing pilots in their orange jumpsuits. and NOT luke. rather have wedge, or biggs, or porkins even.

I would take all of those before rebel fleet troopers and Antilles EVEN luke!!
Hopefully the also announce someone worth a damn tonight as well.

I don't care if there is an ES of only 500 of these. Still an easy...

Wow I really wanted him.... but he just looks so... horrible... :monkey2

EDIT: Seriously, I cant get over this! It could be a HASBRO toy! They didnt even include hands to hold Vader's arm when he's being choked. Gwd Dmn IT!
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Gotta be a Domestic Exclusive. They just forgot to make note of it, methinks.

And the Rebel Fleet Trooper looks like a MUCH better figure (with an infinitely better likeness).
No exclusive, not a "domestic exclusive"... what is this?

My thoughts exactly. I'm not impressed with this offering at all. I honestly was hoping that Sideshow would shock us all by making an exclusive with an alternate choking expression head sculpt and/or choking Vader hand. So much for hoping. Man, what a way to follow-up Vader and Stormtrooper. Sorry Sideshow, but you let me down with this one. I mean, what else can you do with him? The only time he appeared on screen was when he was being choked by Vader. I think the Rebel Fleet Trooper is much better than this. Unfortunately, I'm a completist so I had to pick him up. Guess I'll just pose him with my Fleet Trooper.