Ummm Aquaman yells Yahooooo and Yeahhhh does he get a pass?
I hate to spoil the vibe but snyder confirmed in 2016 that it was just a coincidence that it looks like reeve. A cool one nonetheless tho
Ummm Aquaman yells Yahooooo and Yeahhhh does he get a pass?
So boring face Captain Marvel is bad but when she yells out with thrilling emotion that’s also bad?
Ok I get it this is the “lets just make a no win situation for Captain Marvel” game we’re playing.
Rule # 7 don’t ever become a bigger snowflake then the snowflakes you complain about so much.
I don’t know I guess my father left me with great wisdom on the side of the mountain where we worshiped steel...CROM!
Ummm Aquaman yells Yahooooo and Yeahhhh does he get a pass?
Ok which one of u liked the movie and which of u didn’t
JAWS loved it.
I hated it.
That sort of negative pr is not the type they want. Case in point dceu movies, while they dont negative political PR, they had all sorts of other negative ****, especially right before justice league moutache gate, Video of ben grouping that girl back in the 90s, mamoa and his rape comments from game of throwns days, and nasty scathering critical reviews, reports of behind the scenes drama between warner and snyder and the whole firing fiasco..
So I am starting to think that the whole Brie Larson thing may have been done on purpose. Before that nobody was really talking about the film. No complaints about it being about a woman hero or anything. Just some complaints about the trailers looking very boring and nobody really knowing much about Captain Marvel.
I wonder if Brie saw the final product and got a little worried about the film itself or maybe her performance. So say something a little controversial and get people talking.. Get tons of free publicity and then Blame the old white trolls if the film does not do well and claim victory over them if it does..
I am just being a conspirsy theorist
I still go back and say I had no issues with what she said about wanting to open the door for more female critics.. I thought her Wrinkle in Time statement was a bit over the top and hypicritical when you compare it with her "Gender Norms" statement at the gym...
But all of this sure helped to get people talking about the movie.
So unfair to Wonder Woman.
Wait.. Huh??
What are we talking about![]()
Yeah but that is pretty major stuff.. Brie's was tame by comparison.
It’s not that great
So yes I think it was ALL MARKETING, the white male conservative are being played by Hollywood into giving them free marketing I mean think about it JAWS you don’t think Disney knows how easy it has become to get conservative white males into a frenzy of course they do.
Listen one of the biggest inside jokes is how white male conservatives are becoming bigger snowflakes than the SJW crowd they had labeled as being snowflakes.
Just look on Youtube, look at RT, Brie Larson sneezed a tiny little comment ABOUT SILLY MOVIE CRITICS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD JAWS and the white male conservatives went nuclear dude!
I’m telling you forget snowflake they are quickly becoming a blizzard!
I hate to spoil the vibe but snyder confirmed in 2016 that it was just a coincidence that it looks like reeve. A cool one nonetheless tho
I agree!
Oh and she’s a fighter pilot so it fits her personality perfectly as well!
How do I know, my brother is a retired USAF fighter pilot and I have seen him yelp and yahoo up in the cockpit numerous times while doing crazy stuff.
Ok so what else does CM do that is irritating I can do this all night lol