Yeah they tracked on that extra $15 once they saw that you told me to go see it, lol.
Alita budget: 200 million
Opening weekend 28 million
Captain Marvel budget: 152 million
Opening weekend: Projected 155-165 million plus 2nd highest opening day in China behind IW
Listen hate Brie all you want if that’s what’s required to get you thru the day fine by me but I think it’s safe to say that Marvel has once again successfully turned a B-C list character into an A lister in a matter of a weekend.
If AEG successfully sticks to its landing the MCU will make cinematic history and like it or not Brie Larson will be part of that achievement and no amount of forum complaining, video dislikes or RT fan reviews will ever take that away from her.
Yeah they tracked on that extra $15 once they saw that you told me to go see it, lol.
Now that I've got Disney on its knees due to my Thursday/Friday boycott I'll see if I can catch a matinee today or tomorrow, lol.
Yea that made me spit out my drink....
You owe me a keyboard.
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Avengers Extravagant Goose
Now that I've got Disney on its knees due to my Thursday/Friday boycott I'll see if I can catch a matinee today or tomorrow, lol.
Well we really gave it the same review.
Middle of the pack.
Think about it I said it was in my top 10 so if I place it at the 10 spot that’s the middle of the 20 movie pack.
See we are on the same page.
I was expecting a complete disaster Marvel’s first “terrible” movie.
Not only was that not the case but I ended up being pleasantly entertained.
I thought the good outweighed the bad.
The visual aesthetics didn’t bother me it was the 90’s afterall lol
As I always do here we go...
Perfect Marvel
Great Marvel
Iron Man
Good Marvel
Thor 2
Thor 3
GotG 2
Black Panther
Fair Marvel
Captain Marvel
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Spider-man: Homecoming
Bad Marvel
Dr. StrangeIM2
Avengers AOU
I wonder Jye how a repeat viewing will fair.. Thinking about the film today and I really wonder how much I would like it if Sam Jackson was not in the film. I would still like Brie Larson in the role but would the film be more like a Dr. Strange marvel movie to me.. In which I like the main character but still cant bring myself to watch it a second time..
Just thinking of it I would give it a middle of the road grade instead of a slightly better 3 out of 10.
As I always do here we go...
Perfect Marvel
Great Marvel
Iron Man
Good Marvel
Thor 2
Thor 3
GotG 2
Black Panther
Fair Marvel
Captain Marvel
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Spider-man: Homecoming
Bad Marvel
Dr. StrangeIM2
Avengers AOU
Slightly below middle of the pact for me.
Still need to watch Ant-Man and the Wasp again... Was let down the first time.
I wonder Jye how a repeat viewing will fair.. Thinking about the film today and I really wonder how much I would like it if Sam Jackson was not in the film. I would still like Brie Larson in the role but would the film be more like a Dr. Strange marvel movie to me.. In which I like the main character but still cant bring myself to watch it a second time..
Just thinking of it I would give it a middle of the road grade instead of a slightly better 3 out of 10.
As I always do here we go...
Perfect Marvel
Great Marvel
Iron Man
Good Marvel
Thor 2
Thor 3
GotG 2
Black Panther
Fair Marvel
Captain Marvel
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Spider-man: Homecoming
Bad Marvel
Dr. StrangeIM2
Avengers AOU
Slightly below middle of the pact for me.
Still need to watch Ant-Man and the Wasp again... Was let down the first time.
Woops... Forgot about it... But for me CA:TFA is a very forgettable marvel movie.. So its in the Fair Section.
Also, where's the first Cap film?
I liked it enough to be going back for a second viewing
Actually the wife and son didn’t go on my first viewing so now it’s their turn.
I have to say I really likehow Fury picked the Avengers name for me it didn’t come off as forced. She was the first he met and especially with her being half human why not because the name Avengers is silly on its own but in the context of her standing up against the Kree lies it works.
Because you might not be able to have word "hero" without "her" but it still always starts with "he."
I would move Dr. Strange to fair.
Now let's do the DCEU!!