Did anybody else want to see CM beat the cr@p out of Ronan?
Attention all Freak moderators: Clean up needed in the Captain Marvel aisle.
It’s ironic that, relatively speaking, this post is the epitome of tolerance.
Meaning if I object to trolls taking jabs at one another, I'm being intolerant?
Meaning if I object to trolls taking jabs at one another, I'm being intolerant?
Michelle Obama is Pancake Ass's hero. Can she be any more revolting?
Crazy fringe dweller. Its pretty obvious what you are. You must be so bitter and angry all the time.
By the way Michelle Obama is a educated classy woman unlike the uneducated former prostitute (who you can easily find naked pictures of all over the internet) that married a old john who is known for paying prostitutes and porn stars for sex.
No, not at all! I only meant that someone shouting "shut up!" is exhibiting more tolerance than what they've been doing. You're objections are spot on!
Holy hell, this board is going downhill.
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Having trouble deciding which one is more sexist and demeaning towards women
You both need to rise above this crap.