Ya know, she is just weird. I mean does she either doesn't believe what she is saying or she has some real deep seated issues... I only say this because until she started talking, I, a 40 plus ear old white conservative male, never thought of Cap Marvel as a female led Marvel comic movie.. I never thought of Star Wars RO or TFA as female led Star Wars Films. Never thought about Underworld as a female led Vampire action film.. Never thought of Atomic Blond as a female spy thriller... Or WW as a Female led DC films..
I just think of them as films I wanted to see.
Brie seems to want to play the underdog card and that's fine. But nobody is saying that female led films typically reserved for male leads cant make money.. Maybe 15 or 20 years ago but I think now its all a bunch of attention seeking, victimization, mumbo jumbo.
Granted there is some pushback from twitter and youtubers but that is not the mass population.
Oh well...
Hey there are some good videos of her and Chris Hemsworth going at it.. Cant decide if its in good fun or if they really don't care for each other.