Did anybody else want to see CM fight Ronan? I wonder how that match-up would be.
Well, she clearly says "if people need this to be another reminder this decade", so she isn't dismissing all the other "female led" movies that came before that broke a billion... and within the context, it's pretty clear she isn't taking all the credit for it.
So, thanks for clearing that up with the entire quote.![]()
Ya know, she is just weird. I mean does she either doesn't believe what she is saying or she has some real deep seated issues... I only say this because until she started talking, I, a 40 plus ear old white conservative male, never thought of Cap Marvel as a female led Marvel comic movie.. I never thought of Star Wars RO or TFA as female led Star Wars Films. Never thought about Underworld as a female led Vampire action film.. Never thought of Atomic Blond as a female spy thriller... Or WW as a Female led DC films..
I just think of them as films I wanted to see.
Brie seems to want to play the underdog card and that's fine. But nobody is saying that female led films typically reserved for male leads cant make money.. Maybe 15 or 20 years ago but I think now its all a bunch of attention seeking, victimization, mumbo jumbo.
Granted there is some pushback from twitter and youtubers but that is not the mass population.
Oh well...
Hey there are some good videos of her and Chris Hemsworth going at it.. Cant decide if its in good fun or if they really don't care for each other.
Don't need to thank me as the very first quote contained the part you're referencing in full anyway.
You seem to be taking the part where she says 'people couldn't comprehend it up until this point' as a fact for some reason, and in that case, yes, she can say she's another reminder. But the fact is no one had a problem comprehending women making a billion in the first place - that milestone came and passed quietly a few times already - that's what I was saying. It says that right there in the post you quoted. You're effectively misreading what I said and making an entirely different argument.
But going with your particular argument for a second anyway; she also says she's 'grateful to have broken the glass ceiling of normalizing the concept that women can also make a billion dollars' - but as Khev humorously pointed out you can only break the glass ceiling once (like a hymen), and it's normally a phrase that's reserved for the first time a woman breaks a barrier to advancement that no other woman has reached before. It can't be rebroken after the first time it's shattered, and she knows this given how largely she is into feminism and how much they like to throw it around. Using 'glass ceiling' then saying 'another reminder' is completely opposed. That's why I ended with the fact that she's just saying different things from one line to another, from one interview to another, and making up whatever suits her as she goes on. The context you're talking about doesn't exist.
But as you take no issue with any of the other points myself or the others brought up here, I'll assume you agree with the rest, which is good enough for me
Hear, hear! I'd only be repeating what M United and SilverStar said in agreeing with you so I'll leave it at that.
Here's one of the Hemsworth clips Jaws was mentioning though:
Personally I loved this:
Hemsworth is a hoot
Ya know, she is just weird. I mean does she either doesn't believe what she is saying or she has some real deep seated issues... I only say this because until she started talking, I, a 40 plus ear old white conservative male, never thought of Cap Marvel as a female led Marvel comic movie.. I never thought of Star Wars RO or TFA as female led Star Wars Films. Never thought about Underworld as a female led Vampire action film.. Never thought of Atomic Blond as a female spy thriller... Or WW as a Female led DC films..
I just think of them as films I wanted to see.
Agreed 100%. I've always characterized films simply by genre and series, never by race or gender of the actors. I mean most horror films (especially slasher movies) have female leads but I've never once stepped back and went wow what's the deal with that or the said "it's about time" on the other end of the spectrum. Terminator wouldn't have been good if the T-800 was originally hunting an adult male nor would ALIENS be half the movie if it was some dude and a bunch of marines. So I just appreciate that each film picks the right character dynamic for whatever story it's trying to tell. The end.
But people like Brie Larson seem hell bent on taking people out of the story and out of the experience of enjoying films so that we can all be hyper aware of who is what color and what gender both in front of and behind the camera. It's ridiculous.
Everything about this character and actress is so repugnant to me that it's completely put me off going to see Endgame. I know that means nothing to Disney, but just like I stopped giving them money for SW, I'm officially done with Marvel too.
So what, right?
Someday, they'll push you too far too. For me, having this boring, unoriginal, smug, angry Mary Sue shoehorned into everything was more than I care to support. Maybe you'll last longer. But eventually, every character you know and love will be gone and you'll be left with their C and D-list replacements. I guess there will always be people willing to pump money into something they no longer enjoy, just for the sake of having something to do, but I'd rather just watch the good movies again at home.
Wow, a hot new take in here that we haven't read a good several dozen times that hasn't been repeatedly deleted and reposted lol
I swear this thread goes into the same tailspin every single day.
Wow, a hot new take in here that we haven't read a good several dozen times that hasn't been repeatedly deleted and reposted lol
I swear this thread goes into the same tailspin every single day.
To my eye she's the fifth most prominent character on this poster (sixth if you count Thanos) so hardly the "face" of Endgame. I'm not writing off the culmination of 22 films (of which she is still a very small part) just because of a handful of stupid things she said to the press.
Do you think your comments about white males and reparations contributed to that tailspin? lol seriously come on now!
Don’t let it bother you. After all, they’re going to be the ones who are going to end up being forced to pay you reparations. So the joke’s on them, correct?
Oh please, the ridiculous hate women circle jerk in here on a daily basis vastly outweighs anything I said.
And again, that's the one comment in here that really bothered you. lol
Oh please, the ridiculous hate women circle jerk in here on a daily basis vastly outweighs anything I said.