Captain Marvel - March 8, 2019

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I don't see superhero films winding down anytime soon(they still make too much money for that) but yes it'll depend on what direction Marvel takes....if we really won't be getting anymore Cap or IM or Thor films they will try to beef up the secondary characters but the streaming series is pointing the direction now- in five years streaming will be more popular than putting butts in theatre seats.
For those trying to follow along, Brie Larson never said the above.

Here is what she actually said
Here is the interview where she is saying it:

Larson compares it to seeing Indiana Jones for the first time when she was young. “I remember losing my mind,” she says. Harrison Ford’s character became her ideal. “I couldn’t think of a female equivalent,” she says. “There was Sigourney Weaver in Alien, of course, but there wasn’t enough of that spectrum of confidence and sass and a little bit of a mess, just a mix of everything. Women weren’t allowed to do that.” When she got the first draft of the Captain Marvel script, she had finally found her female Indy.
IMO the inevitable decline in the popularity of superhero movies & the MCU in particular will probably be less a result of a dip in quality at Marvel and more because the genre has oversaturated the marketplace. Between movies, streaming services, the WB, Fox, etc., it seems you can't go more than a day or two before you hear about yet another comic book property being developed for our consumption. It's gotten to the point where (a) we're becoming numb to them and (b) they're cannibalizing each other's audiences, as we have only so much free time & have to pick and choose. It's decidedly less "super" when it's everywhere all the time.
I'm curious what will fill the superhero void. Will we have a revisionist's horror era? Will 'hard action' come back into vogue as the success of things like John Wick? Or will kiddies weaned on 10+ years of superheroes demand more 'super' stuff just a little more grounded - like without the star-spangled costumes?

Mostly family fantasy/action for the last 10 years has to give way to something a bit more hard edged though, doesn't it?

It will be Meme movies......

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

Larson compares it to seeing Indiana Jones for the first time when she was young. “I remember losing my mind,” she says. Harrison Ford’s character became her ideal. “I couldn’t think of a female equivalent,” she says. “There was Sigourney Weaver in Alien, of course, but there wasn’t enough of that spectrum of confidence and sass and a little bit of a mess, just a mix of everything. Women weren’t allowed to do that.” When she got the first draft of the Captain Marvel script, she had finally found her female Indy.

Am sure the paycheck didn't hurt. Which whatever it is, is probably high since Marvel wouldn't want it to get out that their "lead" female got LESS.
IMO the inevitable decline in the popularity of superhero movies & the MCU in particular will probably be less a result of a dip in quality at Marvel and more because the genre has oversaturated the marketplace. Between movies, streaming services, the WB, Fox, etc., it seems you can't go more than a day or two before you hear about yet another comic book property being developed for our consumption. It's gotten to the point where (a) we're becoming numb to them and (b) they're cannibalizing each other's audiences, as we have only so much free time & have to pick and choose. It's decidedly less "super" when it's everywhere all the time.

I'm certainly getting superhero-fatigued.
You guys keep thinking after the mcu endgame then hero movies are done. But we’ve had hero movies every summer straight since 2002. I don’t see them going anywhere after endgame . X-men and ff are back at marvel.
You guys keep thinking after the mcu endgame then hero movies are done. But we’ve had hero movies every summer straight since 2002. I don’t see them going anywhere after endgame . X-men and ff are back at marvel.

Oh Hollywood (Disney) will continue to crank them out, but the audience appetite is waning. So will attendance. So budgets shrink. And so does quality. And soon your treasured diet of superhero fair is measly and terrible and even you, ironwez, might just grow weary of them.

Netflix is already dumping all Marvel projects.
I'm curious what will fill the superhero void. Will we have a revisionist's horror era? Will 'hard action' come back into vogue as the success of things like John Wick? Or will kiddies weaned on 10+ years of superheroes demand more 'super' stuff just a little more grounded - like without the star-spangled costumes?

Mostly family fantasy/action for the last 10 years has to give way to something a bit more hard edged though, doesn't it?
My suspicion: I'm going to tip toe out a bit and say that I think the Anime/Manga/Eastern culture content adaptions are the next big thing. Sure their success so far has been questionable (Ghost in the Shell, far) but there's a whole host of material to build in Hollywood there. The question is if it can be made to fit Western audiences. That in itself is exactly why I think Pacific Rim didn't take off the way it could have here, the general audience in the West didn't attach the the mech/giant monster lore which has long been established in the East.

I don't have much taste for Anime, but loved GTS and Alita, though I know many traditionalists have serious qualms with them. So if we can build on Alita's quality then I think we could see some big titles come to Hollywood.

The suspected target: Then there's the push for classic toy lines to be adapted to film, like Barbie and He-Man. But that could be over as fast as it starts all things considered.

The wildcard: More heavy and grounded sci-fi. The type of sci-fi that plays with the what-ifs of the world more than the fantastical. More Interstellar, less Star Wars. Given the rise in scientific literacy and relevance to socio-political playing field, there's a place for this.

The hope: If I had my way, it'd be video game adaptions. There's a huge untapped market there, but no one seems to be able to break it correctly. In some ways I've always argued that game adaptations would make better TV series than anything because of their expanded narratives, but...when I think of properties like Deus Ex after seeing Alita, there's 100% a movie in there somewhere.
Netflix is already dumping all Marvel projects.

Not because of fatigue.

Disney is starting its own streaming service to compete with Netflix. Marvel and Netflix are severing ties. I read that the way their contracts are set up, Disney can’t have the rights to those characters back for like two years or something.
If anime is the next thing, then they should test it out even further by making a movie adaptation of Robotech 1st Season.

All they need to do is polish the story up a little ...perhaps make it a bit more modern.

If not Robotech, then perhaps a movie adaptation of one of the Gundam series.
Good guesses.

I agree about video games. I think they are going to be the franchises of the future. But I'm not sure they have enough generational momentum yet. But one day there will be Halo and Drake and The Last of Us, etc....

Not certain about anime. It's been around for a long, long time and always has trouble being adapted for westerners. Alita might be a good example of how to move forward.

I think smart sci-fi is overdue considering how much tech has changed -- perhaps in the thriller mode. Also big Hollywood horror. People might be having trouble keeping up with tech as a movie idea. Things are moving so fast, by the time you write it, its already dated. "It" was a tease that there's an appetite for big Hollywood horror. But it has to be more than blood and CGI. Perhaps modern retellings of classics seemingly forgotten, like Lovecraft. Not sure where it will come from but all this Disney-fied Marvel stuff for 20 years have gotten me hungry for something wretched.
Not because of fatigue.

Maybe, maybe not. A bit of the chicken and egg thing here. I think if Netflix really wanted to, they could have a good legal argument to finish their runs instead of simply canceling. But maybe Disney exercised its muscle and said if you don't take these you can't have those and Netflix just said, fine, go. Who knows, none of us know the contract particulars. Clearly Disney wants stuff for its streaming service, but why pull everything when they have no service currently and need time to build it up once they do. It's not like they are short of IPs.
I’m at an age where I see the light at the end of the tunnel on going to the cinema and i’m quite looking forward to that jump off point.

Superheroes I still have a few definitive MCU X-Men and F4 stories I want to see pulled off plus I still need another great Batman, Superman and WW movie but JL just might be too much to ask for.

Star Wars after IX i’m done I don’t care about the Old Republic story line...Zzzzzzz.

Aliens, Predator, Robocop, Terminator, Mad Max, Conan and Die Hard are 100% done I don’t expect any good movies in those franchises anymore.

Rocky/Rambo yup time to hang them up as well.

Horror movies yeah sure I could do with another great F13th entry but I won’t hold my breath and Halloween forget about it that last movie was trash. I don’t need anymore ghost/demon/witch movies my collection has plentiful.

I have an amazing movie collection that I will continue to work upgrading to 4k/8k which will keep me busy for a very long time.

My modern movie collection will forever be defined by LOTR and the MCU (lets see if IX allows me to add the ST into this group the jury is still out and it breaks my heart to even say those words).

After these movies I am officially done I will no longer require to add any additional new movies to my collection.

**** videogame movies lol
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...and Halloween forget about it that last movie was trash.




I've always found it ironic that people insist adamantly about posting their opinions and views on the internet, and yet rely on rotten tomatoes to tell them what's good or not.
I’m at an age where I see the light at the end of the tunnel on going to the cinema and i’m quite looking forward to that jump off point.

I'm definitely in a similar boat. Not jumping off as in "never see any movies on the big screen again" but rather being content enough with what already exists and the experiences I've already had to the point that I don't know how often I'll ever need to preorder tickets for opening weekend after AEG and SW9 ever again. I see myself as just catching whatever comes up on $5 Tuesday when crowds have died down, I won't be worried about avoiding spoilers for whatever, and so on. I kind of look forward to crossing that threshold, lol.

I've got epic old SW, epic new SW, timeless fantasy (LOTR) and sword & sorcery (CTB), a ton of classic action (Indy, Die Hard, etc.) gritty sci-fi (ALIENS, Terminator, RoboCop, BR2049), and now all these epic superhero flicks. Plus all the great horror, monster, and countless films of all the other genres. Not so much "needs" to be made/remade for me anymore. Yeah I'll be there for Robotech and Gundam if those ever happen, but not much else at this point.
I doubt majority audiences will flock to any Anime films...

Same for video games....

Next best bet? A spat of religious films....

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....