Loved Dead Mans Chest....
Apparently I didn't, as I had to google it in order to recall it was a POTC movie. I read your post and was like, "Was that a low-budget indie horror flick that I completely missed out on?"
Loved Dead Mans Chest....
There were rave reviews for TLJ on early previews too...
There are almost always rave reviews when initial reactions are released.
I know you're trying to make a point, but the actual reviews for TLJ stayed amazingly positive. It was the fan reviews that were split.
That’s as good a recommendation as I’ve seen.. I love those kinds of moments in film more than anything. You’ve convinced me to go see it.
I mean with all the real suffering in the world she decided to fall of the sword for “press junket diversity”!
I don’t take Brie Larson’s fake activism seriously anyways it’s all silly shallow stupid marketing.
I mean with all the real suffering in the world she decided to fall on the sword for “press junket diversity”!
Seriously why get upset over something so stupid and meaningless in the grand scheme of things.
I just ignore her activism just give me a good superhero movie and from what i’m reading the movie is quite unique.
Her Ripley/Indy comments actually bothered me more than her silly press junket comments.
Let her be clueless I don’t care it’s not like I have to live with her she is a nobody to me just give me a good movie ignore all the stupid noise.
Press junket diversity
Don't forget that she asked for "donations" to her fund of empowering young girls. How will that money empower girls you ask? She wants to buy them tickets to see the movie.
I don't know why people just cant accept that men and woman are different and that is ok.. There does not need to be a female Indy... Hell there isn't another Male Indy .. I don't want a male Ripley either.. Ripley Rules just like Indy does but in different ways and for different reasons.
I just told a few homeless minority women at my local shelter for abused women that Brie Larson WILL ABSOLUTELY increase minority women’s voices at Hollywood press junkets, she’s got their backs!
They fell on their knees and cried at how much that will impact their lives they said if they had to experience one more white guy interview a celebrity with prepared questions they would’ve dropped into deep depression.
Seriously who the hell thinks like that.
"Wow Cinderella was awesome I hope we get a guy version of her someday."
Okay its official, BL is literally the dumbest person in Hollywood, lol. Luckily her stupidity actually works in her favor because it's hard to be offended by someone that dumb. She deserves pity, not contempt.
I just told a few homeless minority women at my local shelter for abused women that Brie Larson WILL ABSOLUTELY increase minority women’s voices at Hollywood press junkets, she’s got their backs!
They fell on their knees and cried at how much that will impact their lives they said if they had to experience one more white guy interview a celebrity with prepared questions they would’ve dropped into deep depression.