Captain Marvel - March 8, 2019

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Re: Captain Marvel - July 6, 2018

Katheryn Winnick for Carol all the way.



Holy great casting, Batman!
Re: Captain Marvel - July 6, 2018

Charlize Theron or Katheryn Winnick.

I vote Lagertha, because Vikings.

Although, Theron has already played a superhero type character.
Re: Captain Marvel - July 6, 2018

Emily Blunt was very close to becoming Black Widow. That didn't happen so lets get her to play Captain Marvel instead. It works.
Re: Captain Marvel - July 6, 2018

All female castings are great......except Sharon Carter. Not a fan of that....

Doc reads minds, exactly what I was gonna say

Steve: "I'll keep my distance"
Sharon: "well hopefully not too far" <<<< major cringe worthy moment right there, I seriously can't watch that part anymore

The chemistry is not existent with her.....
Re: Captain Marvel - July 6, 2018

I love Emily VanCamp! XD I thought she was just fine in the role but wish we get to see more of her in the third film but I highly doubt it since its Civil War :(
Re: Captain Marvel - July 6, 2018

I'm sure she can too, but she's just so much better suited for Jessica Drew. Especially after seeing her her in Looper, she can definitely handle a character like her. Reminds me of how Krysten Ritter is pretty perfect for Jessica Jones, acting and even looks wise.

What pisses me off about the fanboys is that they just wanted a hot Jessica Jones with Alexandra and her **** but that's not what she is. She's supposed to be an average looking girl and not drop dead gorgeous. More people need to read Alias.
Re: Captain Marvel - July 6, 2018

Doc reads minds, exactly what I was gonna say

Steve: "I'll keep my distance"
Sharon: "well hopefully not too far" <<<< major cringe worthy moment right there, I seriously can't watch that part anymore

The chemistry is not existent with her.....

I don't think you can't expect too much chemistry to take place with just three scenes between Evans & VanCamp, two taking place in hallways and in passing and one when Fury is dying.

Re: Captain Marvel - July 6, 2018

Excellent points guy66657. I really liked looper. I agree that young males start posting pics of gorgeous women in hopes of them being cast. In all honesty, thats typical. I would rather have someone talented than beautiful. That's why I was high on Chastain as she's pretty but more-so talented. Yeah she's not 23 and falling out of her bra, but she was my top choice.

I trust marvels hirings thus far. They've had blunders before but have been really good lately.
Re: Captain Marvel - July 6, 2018

Doc reads minds, exactly what I was gonna say

Steve: "I'll keep my distance"
Sharon: "well hopefully not too far" <<<< major cringe worthy moment right there, I seriously can't watch that part anymore

The chemistry is not existent with her.....

Oh goodness. I can't even see those any more. Rather fast forward. I saw the candidates for Sharon, and Van Camp just doesn't do it for me. To be also fair, I love the chemistry that was between Peggy and Steve, and that is what I would've preferred over all.

I won't deny I definitely look for the looks and beauty over the role, but I think that that is the unfortunate truth even in comics. Almost all females in comics have a poor characters and are seen as just love and sex idols. Look at Betty Ross. Hulk will **** up his "friends" and cities, but the love is so strong for Ross he won't do **** against her. Or Wonder Woman, she's pretty much the strongest hero (debatably of course) in the DC universe but when she needs help and seeks advise, everyone says "you're faith and love conquer all". Like what the ****? Will saying I believe you can be good to Doomsday, seriously stop those atomic ****ing punches? Nah. What I mean is, the actresses will eventually add their own sort of personality into the roles and do it. What I pretty much mean is, looks first IMO, and the character will blossom.
Re: Captain Marvel - July 6, 2018

Oh goodness. I can't even see those any more. Rather fast forward. I saw the candidates for Sharon, and Van Camp just doesn't do it for me. To be also fair, I love the chemistry that was between Peggy and Steve, and that is what I would've preferred over all.

I won't deny I definitely look for the looks and beauty over the role, but I think that that is the unfortunate truth even in comics. Almost all females in comics have a poor characters and are seen as just love and sex idols. Look at Betty Ross. Hulk will **** up his "friends" and cities, but the love is so strong for Ross he won't do **** against her. Or Wonder Woman, she's pretty much the strongest hero (debatably of course) in the DC universe but when she needs help and seeks advise, everyone says "you're faith and love conquer all". Like what the ****? Will saying I believe you can be good to Doomsday, seriously stop those atomic ****ing punches? Nah. What I mean is, the actresses will eventually add their own sort of personality into the roles and do it. What I pretty much mean is, looks first IMO, and the character will blossom.

Yes the Peggy-Steve chemistry was so much better, but I guess Darth Snoopy has a point about there not being many scenes in the movie between Sharon and Steve anyway, although the scenes they did have were horrible.

I'm not sure faith and Love are the best weapons to take on Doomsday with :lol, but I agree, some good points btw :lecture
Re: Captain Marvel - July 6, 2018

Excellent points guy66657. I really liked looper. I agree that young males start posting pics of gorgeous women in hopes of them being cast. In all honesty, thats typical. I would rather have someone talented than beautiful. That's why I was high on Chastain as she's pretty but more-so talented. Yeah she's not 23 and falling out of her bra, but she was my top choice.

I trust marvels hirings thus far. They've had blunders before but have been really good lately.

I recently changed my mind about Chastain and would no longer object to her casting in this role. She would be a decent choice, but I think Marvel Studios might be looking for a younger actress, especially since they would be looking for a multi-picture deal(possibly 6+ movies)