Captain Marvel - March 8, 2019

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Re: Captain Marvel - July 6, 2018

If Chastain would look like this, I can get behind that casting choice. :thud:


Yeah she's OK for this, not my ideal choice but I could get behind or come around to it
Re: Captain Marvel - July 6, 2018

I would rather have the real Captain Marvel instead of a knock off

By real Capt Marvel, do you mean Marvel's original Capt Marvel or DC's Shazam, the hero formerly known as the original Capt Marvel? Personally, I'll take the original Capt Crunch over any of them :D
Re: Captain Marvel - July 6, 2018

Yeah, too bad the real one is a DC character :(

After DC ripped off so many Marvel concepts (like how they copied Thanos with Darkseid, the Avengers with Justice League, Hawkeye with Green Arrow and so on) I guess it's no big if Marvel borrowed a name from them for once. :monkey3

Re: Captain Marvel - July 6, 2018

After DC ripped off so many Marvel concepts (like how they copied Thanos with Darkseid, the Avengers with Justice League, Hawkeye with Green Arrow and so on) I guess it's no big if Marvel borrowed a name from them for once. :monkey3


Green Arrow : First App November 1941
Hawkeye : First App September 1964

Darksied : First App November 1970
Thanos : First App February 1973

Justice League : First App February 1960
Avengers : First App September 1963

Thats just according to Wikipedia though and I didnt read to much into it :dunno I never see these things as copying, sure they are similar but they are different characters
Marvel is Marvel and DC is DC, I like both, thats comics though I like Marvel movies a lot better, DC ones suck and have no consistency(just my opinion :D)
Re: Captain Marvel - July 6, 2018

I think someone on wikipedia is messing with you. It's pretty much common knowledge that DC heavily ripped off Marvel's ideas and characters.
Re: Captain Marvel - July 6, 2018

Marvel just buys DC comics and repaints the characters with different colors XD

Even the X MEN were a DC ripoff of the Doom Patrol :lol


Even the Tagline was the same :lol


Guess what the Doom Patrol's villains were called? The Brotherhood of Evil....and what did Marvel called the X Men villains? The Brotherhood of Evil....Mutants :lol :rotfl The irony, Marvel is doing it all first on film, and DC is screwed :slap